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Engineering -- Study and teaching

Activity programs. (4)
Audio-visual aids. (3)
Computer network resources (12)
Congresses. (2)
Electronic information resources (2)
Periodicals (2)
Simulation methods. (4)
United States. (4)


MIT OpenCourseWare: Principles of Engineering Practice

Engineering can be a difficult subject, and bringing together groups to create new technologies in energy production, bioengineering, and communications can present a wide range of logistical challenges. This fine course from MIT's OpenCourseWare presents materials from the spring 2010 version of Professor Lionel C. Kimerling's "Principles of Engineering Practice", and it tackles some of these...
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Engineering in the Classroom

We last featured this resource in the 2-23-2018 Scout Report, and this collection of teaching materials continues to provide K-12 educators with well-developed classroom activities sure to engage students interested in space travel. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has created this series of K-12 curriculum materials that align with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). These materials...
NASA: Engineering Design Challenges

The Engineering Design Challenges website is a collaborative project among NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center Education Programs Department, Dryden Flight Research Center Education Programs Office, Ames Research Center, and TERC. The program is intended to connect students with "the challenges faced by NASA engineers as they design the next generation of aerospace vehicles." The carefully...
National Institute for Science Education College Level One

The University of Wisconsin -- Madison based National Institute for Science Education (NISE) has a mission that consists of three primary goals. The first goal is to improve critical thinking skills by "fostering innovation in introductory STEM education at the college level"; the second is "to eliminate culture and gender barriers to allow a more diverse population to study STEM subjects"; and...
National Science Foundation: Resources for STEM Education

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has crafted this well-curated collection of resources generated through NSF-funded educational research and development projects. The topical areas here include Teacher Development, Instructional Materials, Assessment, and Research Syntheses. Educators can navigate to the Resources area to explore over three dozen items, including the online book Worms,...
National Science Foundation: Resources for STEM Education

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has created this useful set of resources related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for educators and others interested in these fields. Here visitors can look over the resources, which include full-text books, pamphlets, and an interactive website. First up is the book "Worms, Shadows, and Whirlpools," which represents a new way to...
New York State STEM Education Collaborative

This website from a collaboration of New York State education associations states its goal as to "define STEM and the STEM disciplines in a fashion that will serve as a model for New York State and throughout the nation." Visitors should definitely check out the link to "2010 NYS STEM Collaborative Summer Institute" on the homepage. There is a recording of the panel discussion that took place at...
Online Curriculum for Science and Engineering Ethics

Created with funds provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the International Dimensions of Ethics Education in Science & Engineering (IDEESE) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst provides high-quality online and classroom-based materials for science and engineering disciplines. This site allows users to access a set of different curricula, complete with cases and related resources...
Online Ethics Center at the National Academy of Engineering

Engineering is a key part of the modern world, and many engineering students (and teachers) crave high-quality materials on engineering ethics. Fortunately for such individuals, the Online Ethics Center (OEC) is a great place to find such materials. The OEC became an activity of the National Academy of Engineering in March 2007, and since then their online offerings have grown significantly. The...
Pathways to Science

Pathways to Science is a fantastic resource for students of all ages looking to go into a career in the STEM fields. In particular, Pathways to Science emphasizes "connecting underrepresented groups with STEM programs, funding, mentoring and resources." Visitors will find that the menu near the top of the page includes sections for K-12 Students, Undergrads, Grad Students, and Postdocs. The...
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