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Vocational Education -- Technical


National Collegiate EMS Foundation

Located on campuses around the country, emergency response teams that draw on their student populations and other professionals are growing in popularity. They also have a national organization to coordinate some of their educational outreach activities, the National Collegiate Emergency Services Foundation (NCEMSF). While much of the site is dedicated to providing information for member...
Northwestern University Transportation Center

Established by a range of industry representatives in 1954, the Northwestern University Transportation Center (NUTC) was the first university transportation center is the United States. They perform a wide range of research studies, along with offering resources for the press and the general public. First-time visitors can check out their in-house newsletter Compass on the homepage, look over...
Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology

For people interested in the continued dominance of the United States in the worlds of science and technology there is one crucial question: "Is the United States in danger of losing its competitive edge of science and technology?" This was the primary question on the minds of those convened by the RAND Corporation to a meeting in November of 2006. At the request of the Under Secretary of Defense...
Propeller Safety

With over 412,000 members, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) continues to work for the issues that are important to its members. One area that they are very concerned with is providing educational materials and opportunities for those persons who would like to enter the aircraft maintenance field. They are continuingly updating their online collection of technical primers and... A Complete Guide to Digital Cameras and Photography

The short course concept was pioneered at America’s great public universities as a way to bring persons in the vocations (such as agriculture and such) back to campus to learn about new techniques in such fields as butter production and ice-cream manufacturing. These days, the short course concept has been extended to all types of pastimes and professions, including photography. This very thorough...
Sloan Career Cornerstone Center

The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center is "a non-profit resource center for those exploring career paths in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics." For each discipline the website provides students a sense for what it's like to be a mathematician, engineer, or technician in industry, business, or government. The website includes a collection of profiles of individuals working in these...
Software Tools for Academics and Researchers Biochem: Protein 3-D Viewer

Created by researchers at MIT's Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR) initiative, this website offers interested parties a 3-D protein viewer that "allows students to learn key concepts about the biology of proteins in an interactive manner." First-time users may want to start by clicking on the "Video Tutorial" on the homepage to get a basic sense of how the viewer works. The site...
STEM - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Although the STEM project at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities website is designed for the faculty and staff at those institutions, it offers abundant resources for instructors at any higher education institution who might have an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. Visitors interested in state and national reports on a broad range of issues should...
STEM Education Coalition

The Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition is an educational lobbying group that promotes "policies to improve STEM education at all levels." A coalition consisting of 500 organizations, it aims to educate policymakers about the importance of STEM education in keeping the U.S. competitive in the global marketplace. Visitors can find testimony and letters from...

Billed as "All Tech, All the Time", the TechNewsWorld is a good way to stay on top of the latest developments in the worlds of technology, computing, information technology management, and other related areas. On the homepage, visitors can take a look at some of their top stories and then move on over to the "Shortcuts" area. Here they will find a selection of podcasts, webcasts, and even a...
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