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Vocational Education -- Business


Virtual Presentation Assistant

In these tumultuous times, it seems like more and more people want to win friends and influence people. Of course, there are enterprising souls who would attempt to sell you their insights into the art of oratory and such, but this website gives away such prized material at no cost to you, gentle browser. Virtual Presentation Assistant is an online tutorial dedicated to the art and skill of public...
Webmaster Resources

The man behind the BoogieJack website is Dennis Gaskill, and he's been serving up compelling pieces of web design wisdom on this site since 1997. On the homepage, he invites the curious visitor to "Look around, make yourself at home". It's a fine idea, especially considering that the site contains a number of helpful HTML tutorials, cascading style sheets (CSS) tutorials, and a selection of free...
Working Knowledge

What can Harvard Business School (HBS) do for you? Quite a bit as it turns out, particularly for parties with interest in business practice. The Working Knowledge site is "a forum for innovation in business practice, offering readers a first look at cutting-edge thinking from HBS faculty." Every weekday the site offers new work from over 200 HBS faculty, and the reports, updates, and commentaries...
Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students

Writing can be a formidable task, and at times, there can be few things more frightening than the emptiness of a blank page. The good people at the University of Vermont are aware of this fact, and this helpful website will be of use to both students and educators alike. The site is divided into sections that contain resources for students and instructors, and visitors will find the homepage easy...

Creating online forms for everyday use can be difficult, and some may just throw up their hands and hire a programmer or consultant. But before making that call, users may want to try Wufoo. Wufoo lets users create all types of online forms quickly, including mailing lists, surveys, invitations, and event calendars. This version is compatible with all computers running Windows 98 and newer.

Yammer is a communications tool that creates a secure social network for companies and other groups that have a desire to share information, documents, and other materials. After signing up for an account, users can create a site for their organization that will allow users to engage in enterprise microblogging, private messaging, and communities of interest. This version is free, although there...
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