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Vocational Education

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Agriculture (40)
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Cooperative education (6)
History (16)
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Instructional issues (46)
Occupational home economics (17)
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Technical (27)
Technology (43)
Trade and industrial (68)


Harvard Business Review

As what is arguably one of the most well-known business publications in the world, the Harvard Business Review is a key source of information for policy makers, financiers, government officials, and journalists. While not all of their content is available for free here, their website offers enough free material to make it a valuable online destination. First-time visitors can browse their Must...
Harvard Medical School takes a closer look into its conflict of interest polices

Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary Harvard Medical School To Meet To Address Conflict of Interest Policies Nonprofit hospitals targeted on leader...
Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much: A Clinician’s Guide

Alcohol abuse and related problems continue to be issues of great concern to the government, employers, health care professionals, and of course, to family members of those struggling with these issues. This particular document was written for primary care and mental health clinicians, and addresses the subject of how to help patients with alcohol problems. Created by qualified professionals at...
HGTV: Crafts

As the cold weather begins to move in, many people might find themselves wondering: what can I possible keep busy inside my home or apartment? The answer may be found in one word: crafts. Crafts have made a significant comeback in the past few years, and a variety of online sites, such as this one, have made it possible to learn about this activity that encompasses everything from finger puppets...
HGTV: Gardening, Hardscaping, and Landscaping

Dear Scout Report reader, we would like to ask you an important question: How does your garden grow? It is hoped that the answer is a positive one, but if not (or even if it is), this informative website about gardening and landscaping offered by HGTV may come in handy. The site brings together materials featured on some of their television programs, and a number of web-only features as well....
How Products Are Made

In a world that has the capability to create infinitesimally tiny machines, it may be hard for some to understand how the most basic products are created. This website attempts to answer some of those questions, beginning with information on how accordions are made, and ending with a discussion on the creation of zirconium. For each item, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Bulletin

The primary goal of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Bulletin (HHMI) is to tell "the stories of the talented, energetic, and committed people who are the heart and soul of the Institute." Written in a jaunty and erudite manner, the Bulletin contains profiles of researchers working at the Institute, opinion and perspective pieces, and other items. Visitors can find articles on everything from...
HRSA: Health Professions

The Department of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has a special program that focuses on health profession workforce development that is designed to ensure that "the U.S. has the right clinicians, with the right skills, working where they are needed." The "About" tab offers more about health professions and offers visitors a downloadable copy of the...

With years of experience in the field, the group provides a variety of comprehensive and training programs for students in the related fields of heating, ventilating and air conditioning. While their organization does have a number of professional development programs for more advanced learners, their website also features a number of instructional modules and learning exercises...
IBM at 100: How do they do it?

IBM Press Room: IBM Centennial As centennial looms, IBM CEO succession talk perks up The Backstory on IBM's Centennial Book: Making the World Work...
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