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Social studies -- Economics


Concern over buckwheat shortage prompts panic, hoarding, and speculation

Wheat price soars, Kremlin scrambles Stockpiling as Russian food prices soar Ask Food Network: What is buckwheat? Buckwheat...
Confronting Suburban Poverty

The Brookings Institution doesn't shy away from the tough topics, in fact, they often embrace them. This recent book by two of their distinguished scholars, Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube, looks at the growing problem of suburban poverty. As they note, "suburbia is now home to more poor residents than central cities." This site, created to promote the book, has great resources for policy...
Continuing cost overruns on the F-35 Strike Fighter raise questions about the aircraft and its production

Air Force to start operational testing of F-35 F-35 Lightning II Program GAO: Joint Strike Fighter-Restructuring Places Program on Firmer Footing, but Progress Still Lags [pdf] United States Senate Armed Services...
Controversial artist Damien Hirst experiences a setback (of sorts)

Damien Hirst in plagiarism row - does it really matter? Art may yet imitate life with Lehman Brothers' auction (Free registration may be required) Damien Hirst...
Controversy and conversation continue about the transparency of microcredit lending organizations

Microfinance programs harness Web to connect borrowers and lenders Kiva is Not Quite What It Seems Innocuous Changes vs. Grand Designs Microfinance Gateway...
Cornell Modern Indonesia Collection

In the 1950s, a group of scholars in Cornell University's Southeast Asia Program initiated the Cornell Modern Indonesia Project (CMIP). The intent of the program was to make contemporary analyses of Indonesia available to scholars and students. The titles were digitized by the Cornell University Library, and this marvelous collection represents the fruits of their endeavors and captures "the...
Credit Score, Reports, and Getting Ahead in America

More and more Americans are experiencing problems with their credit, and in a rather ominous trend, the year 2005 saw a record number of personal bankruptcy filings. The first site offered here was created by the American Radio Works documentary group, and it profiles the current state of personal bankruptcy, along with offering some investigative reporting on the credit reporting industry....
Crisis Guide: The Korean Peninsula

The Council on Foreign Relations has created a number of interactive guides that address everything from Africa's conflict zones to the region along Pakistan's Afghan border. This particular interactive feature deals with the ongoing political situation on the Korean Peninsula. After a brief audio and visual introduction, visitors can take in eight chapters that cover the region's historical...
Cultural Diplomacy

The Demos group in Britain describes itself as "the think tank for everyday democracy", and they have published a number of intelligent research reports and briefs as of late. One of their recent reports, released in February 2007, deals with the world of cultural diplomacy. Authored by Kirsten Bound, Rachel Briggs, John Holden, and Samuel Jones, the paper's central premise is that "the huge...

Professor Robert Schenk of Saint Joseph's College in Indiana has created this fantastic digital economics textbook for those with an interest in the so-called "dismal science". In the introduction, Professor Schenk notes that the work is "an easy-to-read approach to economics with a variety of interactive problems and questions." The site includes a table of contents, complete with chapters such...
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