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Social studies -- Economics


Center for Labor Research and Education

The Center for Labor Research and Education at UCLA is part of the larger Institute of Industrial Relations (AIR) at that institution, and serves as a bridge between the scholarly work in the field and the labor community throughout Southern California. Scholars and students alike take advantage of their materials on campus, and the Web-browsing public can now do the same via this site. Many...
Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

As more and more baby boomers move into retirement, there is a growing body of scholars who are fascinated with research related to this topic. One such group of scholars exists at Boston College, which serves as the home to the Center for Retirement Research. In a nutshell, their goals are "to promote research on retirement issues, to transmit new findings to a broad audience, to help train new...
Center for Rural Studies

Located at the University of Vermont, the Center for Rural Studies draws on the strengths of professors, researchers, and community development experts to address the "social, economic, and resource-based problems of rural people and communities." Visitors to the site are presented with a wide range of ways to access the reports, data tables, and other such information offered here. One of the...
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities was founded in 1981 to take a close look at how various budget choices have affected the lives of low-income Americans. Since then the center has continued to grow more expansive, covering budget priorities at the state level as well. First-time visitors to the site will find a host of materials of note, including a number of “Issues In Depth” special...
Centre for Economic Performance

Established by the Economic and Social Research Council in 1990, the Centre for Economic Performance CEP at the London School of Economics and Political Science is one of the most prominent and established economic research groups in Europe. By focusing on the major links between globalization, technology and institutions, the CEP studies the determinants of economic performance at the level of...
Chicago Fed Blogs

The Chicago Federal Reserve has distilled some of its more academic works into this series of informative musings. The Community Development & Policy Studies (CDPS) blog brings together commentaries from staff members as well as guest commentators. CDPS is actually a division of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago that helps support the System's economic growth objectives by promoting community...
China Digital Times

Created and maintained by the Berkeley China Internet Project, the China Digital Times (CDT) is a "collaborative news website covering China's social and political transition and its emerging role in the world." With their outstanding team of editors and media specialists, the CDT should be considered one of the most compelling sites covering important news and developments across China. Much like...
China's Looming Crisis-Inflation Returns

Inflation is serious business for any nation's economy, and in the case of China, it is a growing area of concern for policymakers, economists, and other such types. This very topic is the subject of a recent policy brief written by Albert Keidel on behalf of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Published in September 2007, this eight-page policy brief takes a critical look at the...
China's Online Population Explosion

Readers may be aware that China's population continues to grow, but what they may be less aware of is that many millions more Chinese continue to gravitate towards various online activities. This report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project provides some insights into this trend. Authored by Deborah Fallows, this July 2007 report looks at the potential ramifications of this increasingly...
Chronic Poverty Research Centre

Established in 2000, with a series of innovative grants and funding schemes from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development, the Chronic Poverty Research Center (CPRC) is primarily concerned with researching chronic poverty around the globe and creating well thought out analyses that will be useful to different government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and other...
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