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Social studies -- Economics


Doing Business

A number of international organizations have grown interested in establishing databases that take a close look at the business climate around the globe. One organization is the World Bank, and they recently created this interactive mapping interface that allows users to discover how easy (or difficult) it is to do business in 181 economies. From the homepage, visitors can explore the site's...

Established by the United Nations, the e-Agriculture initiative is primarily concerned with the "conceptualization, design, development, evaluation and application of innovative ways to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in the rural domain, with a primary focus on agriculture." This website is an integral part of the initiative, as it is set up to help interested parties...
Early Labor Market and Debt Outcomes for Bachelor's Degree Recipients (PDF)

Today, college students are taking on more and more loans in order to pursue their education. What factors impact their ability to pay off this debt following graduation? In July 2016, the Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment (CAPSEE), released a working paper entitled "Early Labor Market and Debt Outcomes for Bachelor's Degree Recipients: Heterogeneity by Institution Type...

While the homepage of EconEdLink encourages users to sign up for free unlimited access, there is plenty available on this economics and personal finance website without the creation of an account. Here educators will find such relevant lesson plans as "Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday," a story for kindergarteners, first graders, and second graders about a boy who receives a dollar from...
Economic (In)Security: The Experience of the African-American and Latino Middle Classes

As more policy analysts and academics express concerns about the faltering economy, a number of think tanks and like-minded organizations are offering up research reports on how these changes are affecting various segments of American society. This recent 24-page report released in February 2008 looks at the economic problems faced by African-Americans and Latinos. The report was created by the...
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Established in 1948, the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) is part of the United Nations’ broader initiative to foster coordinated economic development schemes and relationships among Latin American nations. Their web presence is quite formidable, and for persons interested in these types of policy endeavors, this site warrants several visits. First-time visitors can get an accurate...
Economic History Services

Despite its reputation as “the dismal science”, economics continues to attract new scholars in great numbers every year, and a number of websites provide high-quality materials for those interested in the subject. The Economic History Services website began life in 1994 as a mere discussion list, and since then has grown to include numerous resources that include book reviews, a collection of...
Economic Indicators

Both scholars and those with a penchant for statistics will want to bookmark this fine website created and maintained by the federal government. The site provides monthly compilations of economic indicators covering prices, wages, production, business activity, purchasing power, credit, money, and Federal finance. Visitors can use the search engine to type in their desired terms, or they can...
Economic Mobility Project

Working with partners from The American Enterprise Institute and The Urban Institute, the Economic Mobility Project is an initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts. The aim of the Project is to focus public attention on economic mobility through well-thought out scholarly analyses, reports, public events, and discussion. In the "Reports & Research" section, visitors can download papers like...
Economic Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America

With an increasing interest in the role of indigenous peoples in the economy, the World Bank's Latin America & Caribbean division has created this 55-page report on that very subject. Published in February 2007, this report is primarily concerned with the fact that more than 80 percent of Latin America's indigenous population still lives in abject poverty. Some of the results from the paper...
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