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Science -- Entomology


The Natural History Museum of London-The Cockayne database-British & Irish Butterflies and Moths part 1: Butterflies

Named after Dr. E A Cockayne, The Cockayne database website was developed collaboratively by the Natural History Museum in London and Dr. Cockayne's Trust. The central aim of the website is "to provide free access to a comprehensive atlas of British butterflies and moths, illustrating all native and introduced species and their variation." This site represents the first phase of the Cockayne...
The Natural History Museum of London: The Global Lepidoptera Names Index

Created by the Department of Entomology at the Natural History Museum of London (NHM), this website features The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). The Index currently contains a total of 223,214 names spanning 16 superfamilies such as Acanthopteroctetoidea, Bombycoidea, Cossoidea, and Simaethistoidea -- just to name a few. The site is quite comprehensive providing sections on History of...
The Pherobase

The Pherobase was developed by Dr. Ashraf El-Sayed, a research scientist at HortResearch in New Zealand, with the primary objective of providing "coverage of the literature published on chemical communication in insects." The Pherobase is intended for use by both scientific and non-scientific communities and currently contains "over 10000 entries, around 3000 molecules, and over 32000 static html...
University of Illinois Extension-Schools Online: Let’s Talk About Insects

Let’s Talk About Insects is a fun educational program designed for nine to 11-year-old students by Schools Online at the University of Illinois Extension. The program utilizes numerous slides with cartoon-like illustrations, photographs, text, and audio narration to explore the world of insects. The program was developed to help students “gain an appreciation of insects; learn how insects grow and...
University of Wisconsin Entomology Department: Insect Research Collection

The University of Wisconsin-Entomology Department's impressive Insect Research Collection (IRC) represents close to 70 years of work by professional and amateur entomologists in Wisconsin. The Collection "contains about one million pinned and preserved insects with primary geographic emphasis on Wisconsin and the Great Lakes Region." The primary orders represented in the IRC are Lepidoptera,...
USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center: ARS Beekeeping Bibliography

As part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, the Bee Research Laboratory conducts "research on the biology and control of honey bee parasites, diseases, and pests to ensure an adequate supply of bees for pollination and honey production." One important service provided by the Laboratory is the searchable ARS Bee Bibliography, which contains bee-keeping...
USDA: FORMIS: A Master Bibliography of Ant Literature

Hosted by the USDA's Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology, this Master Bibliography of Ant Literature, entitled FORMIS, "is a composite of several ant literature databases. It contains citations for a large fraction of the world's ant literature (about 32,000 references). FORMIS contains all known ant taxonomic literature (through 1996)." In addition, FORMIS features...
Virginia Cooperative Extension: Agricultural and Natural Resources Publication

State extension programs are a great way for interested parties to learn about everything from community development to integrated pest management. These publications from the Virginia Cooperative Extension cover these topics, and dozens more. Most of the papers here are available in one or more formats, and along with more practical publications, there are a few that may inspire a new hobby or...
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