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Science -- Earth science


Canada Virtual Science Fair

Real science fairs can be great fun, but there's nothing wrong with a virtual science fair, and in the case of the Canada Virtual Science Fair, there's so much that's right. Started in 1999, the Virtual Science Fair is an annual online science and technology contest open to all Canadian students in grades K-12. While non-Canadians aren't eligible to participate, everyone can benefit from the...
Canada's Action on Climate Change

At this Government of Canada website, visitors can "learn about the science, impacts and adaptation to climate change and how individuals, governments, businesses, industry and communities take action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions." Through maps, graphs, and clear text, users can learn the basics of climate change and the greenhouse gases. The website details many of the ecological,...
Canada's Changing Climate Report

In April 2019, the government of Canada released its first major report in an ongoing national assessment that was led by Natural Resources Canada. The report focuses on the impacts of climate change in Canada and how the country is adapting to them. Here, visitors will find the interactive digital version of this assessment's first report, which explains what changes to Canada's climate have...
Canadian Geographic Atlas Online

Online atlases vary widely in quality, but this latest project from the Royal Canadian Geographical Society is a laudable production both in terms of its organization and also its multi-layered content. This highly interactive atlas allows users to explore all of Canada's landforms and boundaries through a pop-up atlas browser that includes a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, interface tool by which...
Carnegie Institution for Science

Andrew Carnegie was known for his philanthropy, and in 1895 he contributed his vast wealth to creating 22 various organizations that still bear his name. In 1901 he created what became known as the Carnegie Institution for Science with an initial gift of $10 million. Over the past century, the Institution has continued to support a wide range of scientific endeavors, and researchers such as Edwin...
Center for Applied Research and Environmental Systems

Based at the University of Missouri, the Center for Applied Research and Environmental Systems (CARES) is committed to integrating "the social, physical, and biological sciences to better understand human, natural resource, and environmental issues and problems." Along with their scientific mission, CARES also features a strong community outreach component, and visitors can use the "Map Room" to...
Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence

The world’s oceans are tremendously complex ecosystems, and to those persons beginning to learn about these places, the process of getting started can seem a bit daunting. Fortunately, the Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE) has assembled a wide range of educational resources that address such as online learning exercises dealing with invasive species and summary fact sheets...
Center for Ocean Solutions

The Center for Ocean Solutions (COS) is located in Monterey, California, and "works to solve the major problems facing the ocean." COS was founded by three partners with similar commitments: the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, and the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. On the homepage, visitors can browse through a Featured News area and also look...
Central Wisconsin Groundwater Center

The University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point created this website to help "citizens and governments manage the groundwater in Wisconsin wisely, through education, public information, applied research, and technical assistance." Educators and students can find the Wisconsin Groundwater Directory, groundwater factsheets, information on a hands-on groundwater model, and a variety of educational...
CIRES: Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) introduces its collaborative research and education program in the diverse field of earth system sciences. At this expansive website, students and educators can discover the Institute's numerous projects in the areas of climate system variability, geodynamics, planetary metabolism, and regional processes. CIRES discusses its...
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