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Language Arts -- Journalism


Reader's Almanac

The Library of America's is known for offering up the best of "Classic American writers, classic American books", and their blog is a veritable trove of just that. The site offers a daily update, complete with links to special stories recently featured in their critical print editions, along with video features, interviews, and rare items of interest. Recent posts include an excellent bit of...
Religion Newswriters Association

With a membership of over 240 full and part time religion reporters across the United States, the Religion Newswriters Association is an organization dedicated to providing support for journalists writing about various important stories dealing with any host of topics surrounding religion. The homepage itself contains a religion news headline update service, and a special features area that...
Religion Newswriters Association

Founded in 1949, the Religion Newswriters Association (RNA) works "to advance the professional standards of religion reporting in the secular press as well as to create a support network for religion reporters." Their site is a great place for current members of the RNA, but in many ways it's just as good for those who wish to cut their teeth in this important area of journalism. To start,...

Writing about religion can be a difficult task, and for many novice journalists it may present a number of quandaries. One helpful resource is the ReligionLink website, which is designed to help "journalists write informed stories about the ways religion affects public life". Edited by Diane Connolly, who served as the religion editor of the Dallas Morning News, the site contains weekly updates...
Reporters Without Borders

For educators designing lesson plans on journalism, the Reporters Without Borders site can offer insights into the lives of journalists working around the world. Readers may browse the site according to region, including information on Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe/Ex-USSR, and Middle East/North Africa. Selecting any of these tabs triggers a drop down menu of respective countries. Selecting any...
RTE Radio 1

In keeping with the broad landscape of honorable and respected public radio broadcasting, RTE (Radio Telefis Eireann) serves Ireland as its public broadcast network. Over the past few years, the organization has seen fit to develop a strong Web presence, and the Web-browsing public may now avail themselves of the programming via this site. Visitors can peruse a number of thematic sections...
School Journalism

As part of its efforts to help high school journalism flourish, the American Society of Newspaper Editors has created this site to assist the efforts of both teen journalists and their teachers. Visitors unfamiliar with some of the terms that are used in the argot of the journalism world will want to take a look at the "What is That?" area, which contains definitions of such terms as "desk...
Science Education & Civic Engagement

The mission of the Science Education & Civic Engagement Journal is "to explore constructive connections between science education and civic engagement that will enhance both experiences for our students." The journal is edited by an international team, including professors from the University of Johannesburg and Santa Clara University. The journal has been published twice a year since 2007 and...

Need an expert source for a story, but not sure where to find them? A branch of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, SciLine provides "timely access to trustworthy, articulate experts...[on] science-related issues," by connecting journalists and field experts. Journalists can navigate to the online request form by selecting the "I Need an Expert" button in the For Journalists...
Seattle Municipal Archives: Digital Document Libraries

The Seattle Municipal Archives has been a leader in putting important historical municipal documents online for well over a decade, and this digital document libraries collection is an important part of their work. These document libraries were conceived as a resource for teachers and students of Washington State history, and they contain primary source documents from key events in the Evergreen...
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