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Arts -- Music


American Music Creators Web Archive

Launched in 2018, the American Music Creators Web Archive is an ongoing collection from the Library of Congress. The archive features web content published by "musicians, performers, and composers contributing to the American music scene." Both mainstream and independent musicians are included in the collection, as well as musicians from a variety of genres (such as jazz, hip hop, and EDM). While...
American Songwriter: Behind the Song

Founded in 1984 as a print magazine, American Songwriter has evolved to become a provider of digital content including videos, web features, and a podcast network. The Behind the Song feature on the website is freely available to subscribers and non-subscribers alike, and presents digital stories with interviews and video performances of famous songs such as "Little Lies," by Fleetwood Mac, "He...
American Vernacular Music Manuscripts: ca. 1730-1910

Throughout American history, music has been a central part of daily life, religious practices, and social events. From the Center for Popular Music at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) and the American Antiquarian Society, comes this extensive database of music manuscripts from the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries. On this website, visitors with a specific research...
Americans for the Arts (Last reviewed in the Scout Report on September 15, 1995)

Based in Washington, D.C. and New York, Americans for the Arts is primarily interested in "representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts." From their homepage, visitors can learn about their most recent advocacy efforts and also learn more about creating and supporting arts opportunities in various...
AMG All Music Guide

The AMG All Music Guide website is designed to complement a line of books that provide extensive reviews of thousands of music recordings, organized by genre, such as blues, jazz, rock, and so on. This website is particularly helpful as it provides all of this material at no cost, and is relatively easy to navigate as well. Using the search box at the top of the screen visitors can look for...

Many good things have come out of Oregon, and this latest application from a group of computer programmers from that fine state is one of those good things that users will want to take a look at in detail. Ampache is a web-based MP3 manager that allows users to view, edit, and play MP3s via HTTP. The program contains support for playlists, artist and album view, album art, random play, as well as...
Amplify Podcast

Ireland is home to a vibrant contemporary music scene, one which readers can explore by listening to the Contemporary Music Centre's biweekly podcast Amplify. Musicologists, teachers and students, and music fans of all ages will want to listen in for new performances, supplemented by artist interviews and discussions of current issues in music. For example, Episode 31 features four composers whose...
Annual Eurovision Song Contest Selects Unique Finnish Band as its Winner

Finnish square named after Lordi Eurovision Song Contest [Windows Media Player] The axeman’s serious side,,1781044,00.html Lordi be, Europe! Molvania Disqualified from...

Perhaps you'd like to brush up on your aural skills? Maybe you need a refresher on other things musical? Aquallegro is a rather lovely and user-friendly way to do just that, and users can also use the application to learn more about music theory. Educators may also wish to recommend this program to their students who cannot wait for their next in-person music class session or lesson. This version...
Archive of Recorded Church Music

Over a century of recorded church music, religious services, concerts, documentaries and radio and TV broadcasts from the BBC are contained in the expansive Archive of Recorded Church Music. In 1902, St. Andrew's Church in London became the first choir to issue a gramophone record, marking the beginning of the archive. The physical collection contains recordings from international labels spanning...
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