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Information visualization

Geology, Structural (1)
Software (12)


Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2018

Data visualization has become an increasingly valuable way to explore and communicate information. Examples of "dataviz" abound in as many different styles as there are topics. One great place to look for recent work in this wide-ranging field is the Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards. These annual awards "celebrate excellence and beauty in data visualizations, infographics, interactives, and...
Know More

Know More, from the Washington Post, is a fanciful and fascinating look at a whole range of topics. Each entry is a simple picture, line graph, bar graph, collage, map, or other visual representation of some complex phenomenon. Readers who are not interested in this particular iteration of information can click "no more" to make it disappear. When readers find themselves intrigued, they may click...
Makeover Monday

Calling all data designers: Join more than 1,600 fellow data visualization enthusiasts in honing skills and sharing ideas with Makeover Monday. The project offers a free "learning and development appointment with yourself." The site provides prompts and data sets to challenge users' data visualization mastery. Before diving in, it may be helpful to explore the "6 steps to your first...
NASA Scientific Visualization Studio

The Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS), Conceptual Image Lab (CI Lab) and Goddard Media Studios have teamed up to create "visualizations, animations, and images in order to promote a greater understanding of Earth and Space Science research activities at NASA and within the academic research community supported by NASA." These creations are organized into a number of galleries, including Mars...
Pew Internet & American Life Project: Public Library Resources (Infographics)

The Pew Internet & American Life Project has compiled these infographics for use by journalists, scholars, and members of the general public. These visualizations represent the fruits of their substantial research into topics such as Internet usage, cell phone ownership, and social media. The site contains over 60 infographics and the materials here are culled from the Project's past reports,...

Plotly, an online service for creating and sharing data visualizations, wants to make graphics easy. Users can import data from Excel, CSV, TSV, MATLAB, ACCESS, and Goggle Drive spreadsheets. From there, they can easily visualize data as a line graph, scatter plot, area chart, bar chart, histogram, box plot, or heat map. Personalization is also largely intuitive, including changing colors, moving...
Seeing Theory: A Visual Introduction to Probability and Statistics

As mathematics instructors and students know, lucid visualizations are essential to helping learners understand complex mathematical concepts. Seeing Theory is an online, interactive textbook that utilizes colorful, interactive visualizations and animations to explain concepts like compound probability and Bayesian Inference. This resource was envisioned by Daniel Kunin (currently a master's...
Tableau: Data visualization beginner's guide

For readers who are interested in using data visualization but are uncertain of how to get started, this short beginner's guide by the data visualization platform Tableau (whose free product was featured in the 11-17-2017 Scout Report) offers a good jumping-off point. In concise and approachable language, Tableau begins by explaining the importance and value of effective data visualization from...
The Pudding Cup

For fans of data visualizations, the online magazine The Pudding recently announced the winners of its 2018 Pudding Cup, which honors "[t]he best visual and data-driven stories." Selected by a team of data visualization experts, these visualizations fall into two categories. The Pay Tier honors websites created on the job, while the more eclectic Passion Tier highlights "stories created for fun, a...
U.S. Census: Data Visualization

The U.S. Census Bureau has at its disposal a vast array of information for the general public. This online gallery provides access to several dozen visualizations documenting population change, settlement patterns, and more. First-time visitors might do well to look over the Migration Between California and Other States and the Center of Population, 1790-2010 visualizations as they are both quite...
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