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Internet Archive: Cornell University Libraries

The Internet Archive has worked to preserve important industrial films, Grateful Dead recordings, and other valuable recordings for the Internet-browsing public. One of their partnerships has been with Cornell University Libraries, and over the past several years they have managed to digitize over 1100 different texts. The digitization was sponsored by the Microsoft Corporation. First-time visitors can get started by looking at the "Spotlight Item", which can be found along the left-hand side of the site. Along the right-hand side of the page, visitors can look over the "Most downloaded items last week" and then move to browse the offerings by title or author. Also, the "This just in" area gives users the basic flavor of what's on offer here, as recently added titles include George McClellan's "Regional anatomy in its relation to medicine and surgery" from 1891 and "The turnpikes of New England and evolution of the same through England, Virginia, and Maryland" from 1919. Finally, visitors can download all of these texts as they see fit, and they can also sign up for the RSS feed offered here.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
May 22nd, 2009
Date Of Record Creation
May 22nd, 2009 at 9:55am
Date Of Record Release
May 22nd, 2009 at 11:11am
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