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Education -- United States

Aims and objectives (1)
Blogs (1)
Computer network resources (4)
Data processing (1)
Evaluation. (20)
Finance (5)
History (7)
Periodicals (6)
Public opinion. (2)
States (2)
Statistics (69)


Thomas B. Fordham Foundation

The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation is dedicated to an agenda of education reform not unlike the President George W. Bush: testing and accountability, charter schools, school choice, and the like. Its Website provides a number of recently written reports and papers relating to these issues. Recent documents include a "Memo to the New President," offering advice on how to bridge the "partisan divide"...
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation (Last reviewed in the Scout Report on April 3, 2001)

The mission of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation is to "advance educational excellence for every child through quality research, analysis, and commentary." They also provide on-the-ground action and advocacy in Ohio, and they have offices there and in Washington, D.C. On their homepage, visitors can read through their latest briefing book, sign up to receive their weekly "Education Gadfly"...
U.S. Department of Education: Doing What Works

Educators across the United States are always looking for compelling new resources to use in the classroom, and this fine website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education delivers high-quality resources for just that purpose. The Doing What Works website contains content based on the Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences' "What Works" clearinghouse. First-time visitors can...
US Department of Education

Department of Education's Online Library is the place to go to get the full text of the GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, the Prisoners of Time report, plus other education legislation, reports, and information. Other electronic "shelves" focus on issues such as technology and school-to-work.
What's in a Name? The Corporate Branding of America's Schools

Released in September 2002, this 40-page report from Professor Alex Molnar of Arizona State University addresses the question of private and corporate sponsorship of public education and education-related activities across the United States. In the report, Professor Malnor tracks recent trends in this phenomenon by looking at the practice of selling naming rights to various school athletic...
Wisconsin Center for Education Research

Established in 1964, the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) at the University of Wisconsin, is one of the oldest and largest university-based education research and development centers. With annual funding exceeding $25 million from a variety of sources (such as the National Science Foundation), WCER employs close to 350 faculty, staff, and graduate students working at one of the many...
Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education

The Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) is a center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison dedicated to engaging key stakeholders (including faculty members, researchers, and administrators) in a dialogue about postsecondary education. To this end, their Web site contains information about their prime activities, which include research, instruction,...
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