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Human rights advocacy

Canada. (2)
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Periodicals (5)
United States. (7)


Amnesty International

The Amnesty International Web site offers the full text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, the organizations goals and activities, and membership information.
Beyond Reason: The Death Penalty and Offenders with Mental Retardation

Released by Human Rights Watch, this report examines the recent history of capital punishment of mentally retarded offenders in the United States, offering "the first comprehensive human rights-based analysis of such executions." The report reveals that 25 US states still permit the execution of offenders with mental retardation and that at least 35 such offenders have been executed since 1976....
Courting History: The Landmark International Criminal Court's First Years

The International Criminal Court (ICC) began operations in 2003, and the Human Rights Watch organization recently released this detailed look into the first few years of their operations. The 244-page report was released in July 2008, and it is divided into eight chapters that cover the ICC's various divisions, including the Office of the Prosecutor, victim and witness protection, and outreach and...
Digital Freedom Network

Under the banner of “Advancing freedom worldwide through information and technology”, the Digital Freedom Network is primarily concerned with providing the general public with information about current events around the world that may impinge on a variety of individual freedoms, particularly in the realm of journalism and related activities. One of the highlights of their site is the “Literature...
Freedom House

Founded in 1941, Freedom House was organized by prominent Americans who were concerned with mounting threats to peace and democracy. Today, as in previous decades, their mission includes promoting "the growth of freedom by encouraging U.S. policymakers, international institutions, and the governments of established democracies to adopt policies that advance human rights and democracy around the...
How to Influence States: Socialization and International Human Rights Law

Authored by Ryan Goodman and Derek Jinks, this working paper from the University of Chicago’s Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper series was published first in March 2004, and is due to appear later this year in the Duke Law Journal. In its 57-pages, the paper deals with the ways in which states might effectively change their human rights regime based on various processes of socialization...
Human Rights Watch World Report 2002

Human Rights Watch has just released its twelfth annual review of human rights practices around the globe in the 2002 Human Rights Watch World Report. This report addresses developments in sixty-six countries, covering the period from November 2000 through November 2001. Most of the chapters examine significant human rights developments in a particular country, the response of global actors (such...
New Tactics in Human Rights

As this website explains in its Common Questions area, "Tactics consist of how to make a change", and given this statement, the site will be of great interest to those with a concern for international human rights. The New Tactics in Human Rights organization is primarily concerned with providing practitioners in the field with a package of practical tools, a worldwide symposium, and a number of...
Oxfam International: Video

Oxfam, the British aid organization that banded together with a dozen other organizations in 1995 to form Oxfam International, has a website loaded with resources, one of which is a video library. There are many issues covered, such as climate change, tsunami survivors, AIDS, and many videos include celebrities, including Colin Firth, Scarlett Johansson, Helen Mirren, and Annie Lennox. To...
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Celebrates 60th Anniversary

Cuban activists say they were beaten on eve of 60th human rights anniversary BBC News: World Marks UN Human Rights Day Human rights violations in our own backyard Mary Robinson: Climate change is an issue of human...
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