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Information storage and retrieval systems

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4Sync is a rather useful way to sync hundreds of files quickly and easily. The service provides users with backup copies of their files and visitors will find they can use multiple platforms to do so. This free version offers 15GB of storage at no charge and is compatible with all operating systems. [KMG]
Data Storage

Even as home computers are being equipped with hard drives more massive than most users need, the scientific community is facing challenges of inadequate data storage systems. Experiments conducted in research facilities can produce unimaginable amounts of information, and computer scientists are working on ways to handle and manage it. Virtually every modern computer system incorporates...

Data compression is an important tool that minimizes the size of digital data. Without it, many features of Internet would not be practical, or even possible. This site discusses "the principles and practice of data compression," and examines common techniques for different types of information. The author considers some algorithms and coding methods, such as Huffman coding and the Blahut...
Drive by Jolicloud

The ever-developing Paris-based tech company Jolicloud has been producing web-based desktop tools since 2009. So the Drive app, which allows users to consolidate various cloud storage services, is built on five years of designing, redesigning, and integrating as customers' needs have adapted to the shifting ecology of the Internet. Many people these days have stored music, documents, spreadsheets,...

For people who work remotely and need to share documents quickly, Dropbox is a program worth a close look. This online service allows interested parties to sync files online and share these files easily by creating shared folders. Users can also control which parties have access to these files, and it can also be used via mobile devices. This version allows up to 2GB of free storage, and it is...
Dspace Federation

Online storage has become more affordable and feasible, allowing for advances in the management and dissemination of digital materials. DSpace is a digital repository software system for research libraries and institutions, which captures, stores, indexes, preserves, and redistributes intellectual materials in digital formats. Developed jointly by MIT Libraries and Hewlett-Packard (HP), DSpace is...
Easeus Todo Backup 1.1

If you have a system problem or a crash, Easeus Todo Backup can help. This program allows users to back and restore a disk or partition after a virus attack, and also restore image files and even backup the whole hard disk. This version is compatible with computers running Windows 2000 and newer, and the website contains an extensive help section.
National Institute of Informatics

Informatics is a field that is gaining importance around the globe, and the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Japan seeks "to advance integrated research and development activities in information-related fields, including networking, software, and content." First-time visitors should note that most of the materials in the site can be located in sections such as "Research & Project" and...

For readers who know about Dropbox, ownCloud will be an intuitive find. The services are similar. They both provide online storage space for documents, graphics, mp3s, and other files. They both make sharing files with friends and coworkers simple and allow access from mobile devices and multiple desktops. However, more sophisticated users may prefer ownCloud for at least two reasons. First, as an...
Text Retrieval Conference (TREC)

The Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) is an annual event that supports "research within the information retrieval community by providing the infrastructure necessary for large-scale evaluation of text retrieval methodologies." Proceedings of the conference covering all twelve years of its history are available on the TREC homepage. As TREC has evolved, it has added several focus areas that span new...
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