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(2 classifications) (15 resources)

Electronic mail messages

Moral and ethical aspects. (2)
Software (20)


RAND Classics

The RAND Corporation has recently added selections from the writings of Albert Wohlstetter to its well known RAND Classics site. Wohlstetter "was a mathematical logician and senior staff member at RAND in the 1950s and 1960s.... His studies led to the 'second-strike' and 'Fail-Safe' concepts for deterring nuclear war. These and other methods reduced the probability of accidental war." At present,...
Spam Mimic

Here is a neat tool for the paranoid or clandestine-minded user. While there are several quality encryption tools available, encrypted email is easily recognized as such. This tool encodes your message as innocent-appearing spam, which many believe the government-run Echelon and Carnivore email reading systems ignore. At present, the site is more of a diversion than an every day tool, as users can...
Spamhaus Project

The Spamhaus Project is a non-profit organization in Britain that works "to protect the internet networks worldwide." The project tracks the Internet's Spammers, Spam Gangs and Spam Services and "provides dependable realtime anti-spam protection for Internet networks, and works with Law Enforcement to identify and pursue spammers worldwide." The website also includes a definition of spam and news...
SwitchEmail: Free Email Forwarding

For users afraid of changing email addresses for fear of not receiving messages sent to their old address, fret no longer. SwitchEmail is a free email forwarding service that can forward electronic messages to and from any ISP. Users do not have to keep old email accounts active or open, reveal their password, or have an email address with SwitchEmail. The service offers users the freedom to...
Universal Access to E-Mail: Feasibility and Societal Implications

"Universal Access to E-Mail: Feasibility and Societal Implications" by Robert H. Anderson, Tora K. Bikson, Sally Ann Law, and Bridger M. Mitchell; 1995; Rand Corporation; 267 pages, 24 tables, 18 figures; bibliography, is available for downloading from Rand Corporation's Web site. "This is the final report of a two-year RAND study. It is designed as a sourcebook on key social, technical, economic,...
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