The Scout Report for Social Sciences - October 5, 1999

October 5, 1999

A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.

The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.

In This Issue


Learning Resources

Current Awareness

New Data

In The News


Nineteenth Century Documents Project
Produced by the History department at Furman University in South Carolina, this site features full texts of primary documents in nineteenth-century American history "with special emphasis on those sources that shed light on sectional conflict and transformations in regional identity." The site has thus far posted documents ranging from newspaper editorials and abolitionist tracts to political speeches and legislative resolutions. These materials will aid researchers examining issues of Slavery and Sectionalism, the Kansas-Nebraska Bill of 1854, the Dred Scott Case, the election of 1860, the secession of the Southern states, and the immediate aftermath of the Civil War in the South. The site also features a statistical almanac of the 1850s, which includes but is not limited to data on slave mortality and survival; the ratio of slaveholders to families in 1860 (by state); presidential elections, 1844-1860; and Growth in Railroad Mileage, 1850-1860. Some documents may have some minor errors, but fully proofed documents are clearly marked. [DC]
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The Electronic African Bookworm - A Web Navigator
This fine gateway devoted to African studies has been developed by Hans Zell Publishing Consultants in Oxford as part of their Website and is "specifically designed for use by the book professions in Africa, and by African writers and scholars." With over 1,200 sites relating to African literature, history, general information, news, electronic networks, libraries, and resources for writers, journalists, and editors, the Electronic African Bookworm not only directs users to a wealth of information, but features many value-added annotations that suggest best starter resources, identify new sites and information, and provide background on site resources. The sites we visited seemed to confirm Hans Zell's claim of providing "a quick-access guide and pick-list to some of the best Internet sites on Africa." [DC]
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Five College Archives Digital Access Project: University of Massachusetts
The University of Massachusetts has recently digitized their first contribution to the Five College Archives Digital Access Project focusing on the history of women's education (see the September 25, 1998 Scout Report). The site includes transcripts of selected oral history spanning this century taken from University of Massachusetts alumni, former faculty, and administrators; selected records relating to the administration of women's education at the University of Massachusetts; faculty papers; class photographs; and perhaps most interestingly to those examining cultural attitudes in women's education, the Student Government Association's Handbooks for Women, 1929-1941; and Student Handbooks, 1890-1950. The other four colleges's digitized materials can be accessed from this page as well. [DC]
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The CMS Resource Center: Study of Socially Engaged Internet Users [.pdf, Word]
Press Release:
Craver, Mathews, Smith and Company (CMS), a marketing research and organization development firm serving charity and social advocacy organizations, has just released a substantive study of socially engaged Internet users. Based on focus group research combined with 1,200 interviews of Internet users, the study "found that nearly 50 million Americans over 18 have internet access and currently either give their time and/or money to such causes as poverty housing, human rights, civil liberties, international relief, or the environment. Of these, however, most have never visited the Website of a charity, and only 3.5 million say they have given online." The study identifies a "core group of 7.5 million Americans -- so-called 'Progressive Pace-Setters' -- that has already begun to embrace advocacy and charitable giving online, and another 7.3 million -- dubbed 'Thresholders'" who are potential affiliates for such organizations. The study also considers the obstacles to online funding and development efforts, such as users's anxieties about giving out personal information, including financial data, over the Web or supporting an organization whose primary public profile is a Website. Finally, the study provides comprehensive demographic information for its subjects, including political affiliations. [DC]
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European Centre for Minority Issues [.pdf]
The official Website of the European Centre for Minority Issues furnishes users with activities, publications, and research tools devoted to "interdisciplinary research on various dimensions of minority-majority relations from a European perspective." The publications section provides working papers, monographs, and reports, the majority of which are downloadable in .pdf format. The site's most useful research tool is clearly its Enriched Link Database which lists more than 200 links to related Internet resources in fourteen subject categories and provides substantial information as to the contents of each link, including its institutional affiliations and whether or not the site offers statistics, government documents, downloadable texts, and the like. The site's library catalog allows users to search approximately 1,300 books in 23 languages on inter-ethnic relations, minority issues, and ethnic conflict in Europe. Currently, these volumes must be obtained by users independently; however, the construction of an on-site library is underway. The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) is a non-partisan, bi-national institution founded by the Governments of Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany. [DC]
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Western European Specialists Section (WESS)
This site, hosted by the University of Virginia Library, is devoted to research into Western European history, literature, culture, and politics. The site provides links to well-maintained, quality sites in the aforementioned fields, including regional and historical resources, Websites on contemporary Europe, e-texts and e-text collections, guides to Library Resources, and book review sites. In addition, WESS offers an online newsletter which features articles of particular relevance to Western European subject specialists. WESS is part of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. [DC]
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Learning Resources

Arctic Studies Center [Quicktime, Internet Wave]
This excellent multi-media site from the Smithsonian combines innovative Web design with sound museum practices. To begin with, the site features not one or two online exhibits/ features, but ten of them, each rich with information, images, and sounds taken from native arctic peoples, landscape, and wildlife. For instance, Agayuliyararput: Our Way of Making Prayer is the first exhibit of Yup'ik material presented by a collaboration of native Alaskan people, researchers, and museum professionals. The presentation utilizes photographs as well as video and sound accompaniments to bring traditional Yup'ik Masks to life within their native context. There is also a virtual reality exhibit entitled Crossroads of the Continents: On the North Pacific Rim as well as sections on Arctic Wildlife, Northern Clans, the Yamal people, Arctic Social Sciences, and more. The Web links page provides an extensive list of related sites, and the publications section has the same sort of coverage on print resources. Note: Internet Wave is no longer available, so users who do not own it will be unable to access a few audio components of the site. [DC]
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History of Influences in the Development of Intelligence Theory and Testing
Developed by two professors of education at Indiana University, this Website gives a comprehensive overview of the field of intelligence theory and testing from Plato to the present day. Using an "interactive map," the site offers a timeline of the major figures in the field and their affiliations with one another. Users can click on names, time periods, or schools to access more in-depth information. The site's "Hot Topics" section is particularly interesting, giving substantial material relating to some of the most controversial issues in intelligence theory, including an extensive section-by-section summary of the bestseller The Bell Curve and article-length rebuttals by scholars, including one by anthropologist Stephen Jay Gould. [DC]
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The Cave of Lascaux
Created by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, this fine Website focuses on the prehistoric artwork of the famous cave at Lascaux. Through graphics and text, the site elucidates the geological and historical timeline of the cave, the story and circumstances of its discovery, the circumstances of its closing in 1963, the construction of a "copy" of the cave ("Lascaux II"), and a virtual visit through the different "rooms." This last feature offers a hyperlinked map of the cave that allows users to move from room to room examining the artwork from an overall perspective or by selecting close-ups of key features of the paintings. (Note: Users may want to adjust their monitor controls to optimize the viewing of these images.) The site also contains sections discussing the identification of the figures (with extreme close-ups of the detailed work), the artists's use of the cave's surfaces to create perspective, the techniques of the artists, and their means of access and lighting. Since the original cave is no longer open to the public, this Website is all the more valuable. [DC]
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Electronic Literature Foundation: The Plays of William Shakespeare
This e-text site offers the complete plays of William Shakespeare with introductions, concordances, a character guide, and well-known quotations for each play. The online concordance allows users to instantly search for all occurences of any particular word or phrase in each play -- a useful means of examining motifs and themes. The extensive, searchable glossary is also helpful for looking up unfamiliar Elizabethan vocabulary, and an online forum allows users to share their thoughts on the Bard with other readers. According to the site, an e-text of the Sonnets is forthcoming. [DC]
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E-Conflict (TM) World Encyclopedia [Quicktime, Java]
Maintained by EmulateMe, a Web-design company, this online Encyclopedia provides maps, history, weather, geography, and governmental and economic information for any country that users wish to select. (For younger users, the reference also offers audio versions of the national anthems and images of the flags for each country.) There is a wealth of information on-site, particularly in terms of economic, geographic, and demographic data, but users should observe their URL window as some links are external. Rounding out the encyclopedia is a moderated discussion forum allowing users to "speak out" about current world affairs. [DC]
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The Bhagavad-Gita (As It Is)
Posted by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, this attractive version of the Gita is a premier example of the Gita as translated by a reputed scholar and religious leader in the Bhakti (i.e., devotional) tradition. The translation rises above the controversies associated with the Society as does this Website. The site offers the complete text of the Gita, including the original Sanskrit, a phonetic transliteration, an English translation, and the "purport" for each of the text's verses. Also available on-site are copies of the Brahma Samhita (i.e., "Hymns of Brahma") translations of devotional songs, and the eight instructional verses of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a Hindi saint whom many worshippers regard as an avatar of Krishna himself. Thankfully, there is no appeal on-site for donations or new disciples. [DC]
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At Home in the Heartland Online
Developed by the Illinois State Museum, this site examines the history of the Midwest from 1700 to the present. The site divides the history of the Midwest into five periods corresponding roughly with recognized periods in the history of the American Republic: 1700-1800, 1800-1850, 1850-1890, 1890-1920, 1920-1950, and 1950 to the present. The exhibit for each period includes timelines, maps, oral histories, primary documents, narratives of key figures and events, and teacher resources. The site is designed for grades three through twelve with three different levels to customize its educational use, though the information in level three is certainly going to be informative for adults as well. The site is sponsored by Ameritech and the Illinois State Board of Education. [DC]
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Only a Matter of Opinion?
Although clearly designed to teach editorial and review writing primarily to high school journalism students, this information-rich learning resource would be useful to college journalism or composition teachers who assign writing in an editorial vein or to anyone considering this mode of journalism for fun or profit. In addition to examples of and instructions about the various types of editorial writing -- curmudgeon; humor; restaurant and arts review; technical, social, and political commentary; and sports columns -- the site offers common rhetorical strategies employed in effective editorial writing, links to Websites devoted to famous editorial writers of the past and present, a complete unit on editorial cartooning, and resources for research and writers. Only a Matter of Opinion? is a ThinkQuest site developed by a team of experienced journalism teachers and professors. [DC]
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Current Awareness
(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage:

W-2 Child Support Evaluation project: Initial findings [.pdf, 379K]
The Institute for Research on Poverty offers this 118-page report on their initial findings on Wisconsin Works's effects on child support. Wisconsin Works (W-2) was implemented in September 1997 as a replacement for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). All participants in the program are required to work in order to get cash assistance. The report is divided into five chapters, including an introduction to W-2; the child support policy changes that took place as part of the program; early outcomes of the program including child support, income, and government cost; and a summary. The study charts the relative successes and failures of the program to this point. [EM][DC]
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New Working Papers

Harris, David R. "All Suburbs Are Not Created Equal: A New Look at Racial Differences in Suburban Location" -- Population Studies Centre -- University of Michigan [.pdf, 70K]
Abstract (PSC Research Report No. 99-440):

Hirschman, Charles et al. "The Meaning and Measurement of Race in the U.S. Census: Glimpses into the Future" -- Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology -- University of Washington [Working paper 99-15: .pdf, 63K, RTF, .ps, Excel tables]

Lam, David. "Generating Extreme Inequality: Schooling, Earnings, And Intergenerational Transmission Of Human Capital In South Africa And Brazil" -- Population Studies Centre -- University of Michigan [.pdf, 173K]
Abstract (PSC Research Report No. 99-439):

Liu, Qiming and Kam Wing Chan. "Rural-Urban Labor Migration Process in China: Job Search, Wage Determinants and Occupational Attainment" -- Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology -- University of Washington [.pdf, 85K]

Sundstrom, Marianne. "Part-Time Work In Sweden --- An Institutionalist Perspective" -- Stockholm Research Reports In Demography [Word]
Plain-text document:
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New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:
Pikayev, Alexander. "The Rise and Fall of START II: The Russian View"
.pdf document (205K):
.pdf format (73K):

Cato Institute:
Bandow, Doug. "Fixing What Ain't Broke: The Renewed Call for Conscription"
Levy, Robert A. "Microsoft Redux: Anatomy of a Baseless Lawsuit"

Weber, Diane Cecilia. "Warrior Cops: The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in American Police Departments" [.pdf, 73K]

The Fraser Institute (Canada):
Harriman, David, William McArthur, and Martin Zelder. "The Availability of Medical Technology in Canada: An International Comparative Study"

Institute of Development Studies, Sussex:
Moore, Mick and James Putzel. "Politics and Poverty: A Background Paper for the World Development Report" [.pdf, 122K]
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New Offerings from Academic Publishers

Association of American University Presses: New Releases

Baker&Taylor Academia -- Upcoming Books to Buy (October 1999)

Cambridge University Press

Perseus Books: By Category

Thela Thesis -- Just Published

Cornell East Asia Series
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New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Full texts

The English Historical Review
Vol. 114, No. 458: September 1999

Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice (Contents, Abstracts, Full texts, .pdf)
Vol. 6, No. 3: Fall 1999

Applied Linguistics (Contents, Some abstracts)
Vol. 20, No. 3: September 1999

International Review of Sociology (Contents)
Vol. 9, No. 2: July 1999

Journal of Contemporary Religion (Contents)
Vol. 14, No. 3: October 1999
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American Association of History and Computing
April 13-15, 2000
Baylor University, Waco, Texas

Society for French Historical Studies - 46th Annual Meeting
March 30-April 1, 2000
Scottsdale and Tempe, Arizona

World 2000 - Teaching World History & World Geography
February 11-12, 2000
University of Texas at Austin
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Job Guides/ Funding

H-Net Job Guide

The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science

Jobs in Higher Education by Dan Knauft

American Educational Research Association -- Positions Announcements
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New Data

Three from the NCES
Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 1999 [.pdf, 982K]
NAEP 1998 Writing: Report Card for the Nation and the States [.pdf, 3944K]
The NAEP 1998 Writing State Reports [.pdf]
On September 28, the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) released three major reports. The first analyzes national data from several sources on crimes committed in schools and to and from schools. In addition, "data for crime away from school are also presented to place school crime in the context of crime in the larger society." According to the NCES, this report represents the most current detailed statistical information on the nature of crime in schools. The second report presents the results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 1998 writing assessment for the nation and for participating states and jurisdictions. It contains average scores and achievement level performance for the nation and 39 states and other jurisdictions, as well as results for selected subgroups of students. An executive summary of the report is also available. The final offering from the NCES is a collection of customized State Reports from the NAEP. Each report contains an introduction to the NAEP, a description of the assessment methods, an overview of results for public schools, and comparisons of that state with other participating states. [MD]
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The World Health Report 1999 -Making A Difference [.pdf]
Press Release:
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released their 1999 report on the state of the World's Health. Citing successes in the decline of mortality and an increase in health and economic productivity for much of the world, the report balances its good news with analysis of continuing problems of malnutrition, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, and tobacco use in much of the developing world. Data provided by the report include mortality rates and the burden of disease by country, sex, cause, and WHO region; demographic characteristics of WHO regions; and statistics on infectious and noncommunicable diseases broken down by region, sex, and age. Users may download the report in its entirety (2135K) or chapter-by-chapter. [DC]
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U.S. Department of State: Annual Report on International Religious Freedom [.zip, Word, ASCII]
Executive Summary:
"The Annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom describes the status of religious freedom in each foreign country, and government policies violating religious belief and practices of groups, religious denominations and individuals" as well as US policy efforts concerning religious freedom. The document provides individual reports on the state of religious freedom in various countries and offers an extensive executive summary for users who want a general but detailed overview. [DC]
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ArchiviaNet: from The National Archives of Canada
Maintained by the National Archives of Canada, this site offers descriptions of extensive archival material and some online access to selected documents. The Website includes descriptions of over one million government agency files, an index to the personnel files of 600,000 Canadians who enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War, data from the 1871 Census, Dominion Land Grants, and descriptions of over 400,000 photos and 275,000 artworks, with online access to a small portion of both. (Warning: we were unable to access graphic images on our visit.) The site also features a section devoted to the study of Aboriginal Peoples with some online historical materials. All sections of the site are searchable by simple or detailed search syntax, but since the records are not browseable, general interest users and researchers relying mostly on serendipity should look elsewhere. Databases under development include Court Martials of the First World War, and The Colonial Archives database, containing detailed descriptions of documents concerned mainly with the French and British colonial periods. [DC]
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In The News

Supreme Court Begins Landmark Term
1. High Court to Tackle Key Social, Political Issues
2. A Defining Term For High Court
3. Judicial Activism, Conservative-style
4. Legal Information Institute (LII): Supreme Court Collection -- Decisions Since 1990
5. Legal Information Institute (LII): Selected Historic Decisions of the US Supreme Court
6. The Mortality Of Justices
7. U.S. Federalism Site
8. Encarta Online: Federalism
Monday, the Supreme Court began a session that many legal scholars and historians see as likely to be pivotal in defining the Rehnquist Court's place in high court history. The court has chosen to hear arguments on a number of key issues this term, including public funding of parochial schools, campaign finance reform, tobacco regulation, racial criteria in state elections, abortion protesters's free speech rights, federal legislation giving rape victims the standing to sue perpetrators, and patients's rights to sue their HMOs. At stake overall is how far the Rehnquist court will go in its pursuit of Federalism, the philosophy that emphasizes states's rights in the face of expanding federal power. Past rulings establishing the Rehnquist's court Federalist view of the Constitution have often been a 5-4 split, and given the fragile health of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the likelihood, considering the age of some of the justices, of at least one appointment by the next President, this term could well be a defining one for the Rehnquist court.

The Washington Post(1) and the Christian Science Monitor(2) provide previews of the court's upcoming cases. Peter Shane, Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh, analyzes the three 5-4 decisions rendered at the close of the last term which dramatically limited Congress's capacity to enforce federally mandated legal obligations on states (3). The Legal Information Institute, maintained by the Cornell University Law School, allows users to access and search all of the high court's decisions since 1990 (4) as well as selected historic decisions (5) by topic, author, and party name. MSNBC (6) examines the impact of justices's mortality on the court's make-up and the presidential political process. Developed by a PhD student at the George Washington University School of Business and Public Management, the U.S. Federalism site (7) explores the relationship between the states and the national government, offering a number of perspectives on the evolution of this political philosophy. Finally, Microsoft's online encyclopedia, Encarta, provides concise and expanded entries on Federalism (8) as well as links to related resources. [DC]
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Scout Report for Social Sciences Subscription Instructions

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Internet Scout team member information

The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project

The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.

Susan Calcari
Rachael E. Bower
David Charbonneau
Travis Koplow
Paul M Schwartz
Managing Editor
Production Editor

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Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1999. The Internet Scout Project (, located in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides information about the Internet to the U.S. research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the entire Scout Report provided this paragraph, including the copyright notice, are preserved on all copies.

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