AllPolitics - Webwatch


Politics has moved to the Web these days in a big way. There are literally thousands of sites, from Project Vote Smart to the Scorched Earth Party, featuring everything from breaking news to wild parodies. AllPolitics' Web Watch helps you find your way through the babble by recommending the pages worth your time and steering you away from the junk.

Web Sites Of The Day


Democratic National Committee
A clearinghouse for Democratic Party news, with links to state organizations and petitions to save Medicare.

Republican National Committee
A Republican Main Street: Click on newstand for latest Republican Party news or go to the travel store to jump to other political sites on the Net.

Libertarian Party
There's an active campaign for the Libertarian presidential nomination this year; here's a place to find out about the party's ideals and policy statements.

The Natural Law Party of the U.S.A.
Views and principles of the Natuarl Law Party, which forsees an era of "conflict-free politics."

Reform Party Official World Wide Web Site
A good place to keep up to date with Ross Perot's embryonic Reform Party, find local contacts in your state and check out the party's guiding principles.


Federal Election Commission (FEC)
For years, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has been a gold mine of information for people interested in how politics really works. And unlike some public agencies, the FEC tries to make the data it collects available. The commission's new Web page includes information on campaign finance law and large, downloadable files on candidates and PACs. No razzle dazzle here, just solid information. This could become a great resource.

Vote Smart Web
Project Vote Smart, "scrupulously non-partisan," created this site to be "your one-stop shopping center for political information." It's all there, all right. Plus, most of the Republican presidential candidates have provided a list of issues they support. Looking for light reading? The U.S. Constitution and other documents are there for perusing.


Congressional Quarterly's American Voter '96
From the venerable Congressional Quarterly publication, this site has the usual candidate profiles and political links. But what's cool is its search functions that allow you to check up on your congressional representatives: what have they done for you lately?

Probably the most comprehensive place around to find information on state politics. Click on the USA map and go to a detailed listing of links and information about that state.

On the Road to the White House
On the Road claims to have been the first 1996 election site to go online, back in March 1995. It has the usual links to candidate, government, and party sites. The highlight is the Virtual Voting Booth, where you can vote for the candidate of your choice, including a write-in.


Campaign '96 Online -- A Guide to Politics on the Internet
Describes itself as a "comprehensive guide to online politics." A good directory for all sorts of political links: parties, election information, directories, the media, advocacy groups, liberal and conservative web sites, and more.

The Jefferson Project
"The most complete archive of political resources in existence today." That's how this site describes itself, and it is a pretty extensive list of links (like 70 political magazines and a host of political watchdogs).

1996 Presidential Candidates
Offers links to the web sites of presidential candidates, including independents and other parties. It's a good platform for browsing the candidates' web sites.

California Voter Foundation
A good place to start for newbie political net surfers. Kim Alexander, the foundation's executive director, has compiled a "starter" links page, with online voter guides and information on how you can create one in your own community. Heavy on California information, but some good national links, too.

Campaigns & Elections
Site of "The Magazine for Political Professionals," Campaigns & Elections Online offers articles from its current issue, archives, a Trivia Contest (not up and running yet), subscription information, and sales of political campaign ad collections and other political materials.

The C-SPAN Networks
RealAudio news conferences, a '96 campaign primary schedule, profiles/photos of cabinet members and members of Congress, and a ton of good political resources.


George Magazine
George lives up to its slogan, "not just politics as usual," in this colorful and entertaining web site. Offerings include feature articles like "Limbaugh for President? A Preview," a weekly poll, a political trivia quiz, and useful "Web Site Reviews." Can't wait till we make IT on there. Sites are given a rating of Georges, one for lame and four for way cool.

The MoJo Wire
Hip graphics and left-leaning irreverence mark The MoJo wire, brought to you by Mother Jones. It purports "to follow in the footsteps of the likes of Hunter S. Thompson and Bill Greider." The site has a great emphasis on traditional "liberal" issues as well as an even-handed look at all candidates, great and small.


Sole Site of the 1996 Presidential Campaign [Johnston & Murphy's Presidential Footnotes Campaign '96]
An amusing, if rather unsubstantial, look at the 1996 race and the potential candidates by Johnston & Murphy, "maker of fine footwear for every U.S. President since Millard Fillmore." Offers a humorous look at politics and shoes, and the always intriguing politics of shoes. Also offers a good collection of links to candidate pages, media, and political humor web sites.

Capitol Steps
Political cartoons and songs -- download and play 'em -- from the wholesome Washington D.C. spoof troupe.

Doonesbury Electronic Town Hall
Your favorite Doonesbury characters are the gateway to several rooms in the Town Hall. Humor, as always, is the key. The site carries political news from The Hotline and PoliticsUSA, "highly accurate albeit completely meaningless straw polls," and a search engine for past Doonesbury cartoon strips back to 1972.

Fidel '96
In the event that Fidel Castro should decide to run for the top office, his web site is ready to go -- complete with a list of potential running mates.

Bob Dole for President
A parody of the official Dole WWW site: The Ripe Man for the Job. "Mr. Dole loves tropical fruits, especially slightly over-ripe bananas which are just starting to turn black and mushy, but not so black and mushy as to be inedible."

A List of Parody Pages
If you're into faux pages, here's the place to find most of them in one spot.


With one look at the logo, you know the Speaker is in for some scrutiny on this site: it's Newt as crybaby. NewtWatch keeps an eye on ethics complaints, his congressional record, contributors, and his expenditures.

Turn Left
Turn Left is "The Home of Liberalism on the Web," and proud of it. It spells out liberalism's definitions and accomplishments, while insisting liberalism is not a dirty word.

The Right Side of the Web
Claims to be "the most ridiculed, spoofed and imitated site on the Web since May 1994." Offers a wide range of links and articles with a conservative point of view, including "The Speaker's Corner" (a Newt Gingrich WWW fan page), Rush Limbaugh links and Whitewater info.


CapWeb -- A Guide to the U.S. Congress
CapWeb's standard disclaimer states it is not an "official" product of the U.S. Congress, but rather the "product of a couple of impatient Capitol Hill staffers who felt it was an effort worth undertaking." Must have done it on furlough. The site offers links to many "Inside the Beltway" resources, and it has valuable information on Capitol Hill people and legislation.

THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet
A dream site for policy wonks and informed citizens, or those who want to be. THOMAS is a service of the U.S. Congress through the Library of Congress. Here you can read the full text of legislation, review the Congressional Record, read about hot bills, and find links to useful Capitol Hill gophers. Make sure the java's perking as you head through this site: what you want is there, it'll just take some time to get to it.

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