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<title>Reports to the Nation on Our Changing Planet:  Our Changing Climate</title>
<type>single page tiff</type>
<keyword>climate ice atmosphere earth greenhouse warming change atmospheric global surface co2 years nation aerosols reports human solar radiation infrared gases</keyword>

Fall 1997 No.

     On Our Changing Planet

                                           H V


                                               Table of Contents
                                                                Climate and American People........"......	
                                                                Earth's Climate:  A Dynamic System,.........:.......................
                                                                Why Does Earth's Climate Change?...	,.......,„......,....,..
                                                                Can We Change the Climate?.............	..........................
                                                                The Greenhouse Effect.........,................................:......	
                                                                Why Are Greenhouse Gas Amounts Increasing? ..............
                                                                Aerosols:  Sunscreen for the Planet?.....	.....v..v..-..'...,.:;..,....IB
                                                                How Has Climate Changed in the Past Century?......,.,...	..lEi
                                                                Can We Predict Climate Change? ......;.................:..,^...,:..:.,E
                                                                What Do Climate Models Tell Us About Our Future? .........
                                                               'Where Do  We Go From  Here? ,:........	......;...:..'......„....
    Cover. Peruvian coast and Andes Mountains
    looking south. NASA Space Shuttle.
    A publication of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research pursuant to
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA576P0576.   ,
Reports  to the  Nation • Fall1997

We have now entered an era when
actions  by humanity may have as
much influence on Earth's climate
as the natural processes that have
driven climate change in the past.
Our future climate will be partly of
our own 'making.
  Reports to the Nation - Fal|1997

/'(tt'orahle temperatures and
abundant water near the
mrjace of Earth support a rich
ditvKity <>/ lift'.  Patterns of
lemlK'ratnre and rainfall bare
shifted aifiiu'fkwilly over time
in ms/«tf/«' to natural forces.
and lime changes in climate
hare had important effects on
/wnpli' ami the natural world
In ichich ire lire.

                                                         V— -—y  !  -'   j   J>7^

                                                                       \jf A *        TI_
   Reports to the Nation  • fa//W97  '  •

Reports  to th«  Mation •  Fa(H997

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Reports  to  the  Nation  • Fall 1997

          LIMATE AMD AMERICAN PEOPLE  Climate has always had a
          profound effect on life in America The first people arrived
          in America between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago During
          that time much of North America was covered by two great
          ice sheets that were nearly two miles thick in places One
       ice sheet F?3 followed the coastal mountains from Alaska to
Washington State> and another extended from the eastern slope of the
Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Arctic Ocean to
Ohio Because so much water was piled up on land in ice sheets, the
sea level was about 3Sfeet lower at the peak of the last ice age about
                  _ »  v
20,000 years ago than it is today The lowered sea exposed a wide
plain between SiberS and Alaska, creating a land bridge across the
        "*       *^^jr                                  *
Bering -Sea  Genetic, linguistic, and fossil evidence suggests that the
     /                                        «°
first humanj^l America came from northeast Asia, and it is likely that
 *"  fr  ^" %_tl& ajSgnif
the fee age climate made it possible for these people to walk across
the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska After crossing this plain,
these hardy people could have made their way south past the great
ice sheets and spread across America
  We know that some of these early Americans were big game
hunters  Their camps are marked by distinctive fluted  spear points
which they used to hunt mastodons—extinct relatives of the modern
elephant They also shared the land With saber-toothed cats, woolly
rhinoceroses, and giant ground sloths These and a variety of other
species all became extinct about 10,000 years ago Some researchers
argue that efficient human hunters caused these extinctions, but
others believe that environmental change was the key factor F$]
                                 fl e"p, 6 r'J s,.;t o, t h e M s t i o tv .,-, -fa(( .1897..




global dimateT?
 , <•- ' •:••* i.$f	iff1
the great North
         " [	 'vVl^T^
to melt rapidly, ana
      -. ''f'.^V	«**	3——-™
were gone. Tins end  to  the
      V?      |   ^ n '",,11 ii,™ .IIH!|I|||,I	ilHijUI'jH'iiaililiiim
dramatic changes in
melted and the climate' waitneH, the once-weL
                 	:  	:"*	^?^vWswiawBi
region between the Cascade Range and .Rod
Mountains fcOj became the relatively dry land-
scape that we know today as the Great Basin."
Features like Utah's Great Salt Lake shrank to
shadows of their former selves. Fifteen thou-
sand years ago this body of water was 1,200 feet
deeper and covered an area the size of Lake
  Such changes had a marked impact on ice age
plants and animals. Cold-loving spruce trees,.
for example, withdrew their range northward
by about a thousand miles, giving way to
grassland  and broadleaf trees. Mastodons and
other large mammals that preferred cold cli-
mates may not have been able to adapt to the
warmer, drier conditions. As their favorite game
animal  disappeared, :the earliest  Americans..
                                                       J Land Exposed by Lowered Sea Level
                                                       ^fe>4^sSS»ijfi!S                    •••• • • A
                                                       Possible Human Migration Route
                                               'Ice sfieets^anolowerecl'sealevei'a't1 tii'etii'ne' 'oftBe las? glacial maximum' opened an  ':
                                               access route from A|ia to 'America. The current .continent?! outline is given, for.
                                             '.'•• reference.     , ' ;             ,,,     ''     _-'.'•  •  ..

                                             '  would also have been forced to adapt.  "•   '
                                               •' -The effect of climate on human settlement of;, /
                                               America continued into medieval times. The
                                               first Europeans  to set: foot on America were r'
                                             :  Vikings who settled Greenland .under the lead-:;.
                                             '  ership of Eric the Red in about iOOOAD. His son,;; :
                                               Leif Eriksdn,  led  an expedition to colonize .;
                                             -  America, that probably settled, in Ivfewfound-  ,
                                               land. The colony in Greenland was abandoned
                                              .in  about 1400AD when'cooler temperatures  •"•
                                               associate^ with the Little Ice Age made farming
  Roports to the Nation • Fall 1997

there too difficult. Farther to the south, climate   •
changes also affected the civilizations setup by
the earlier Asian immigrants to America  The
Anasazi people pf the Four Corners region of
the  southwestern United  States' provide an
interesting example  They  had an economy
centered around corn farming, and built large
dwellings in river valleys and along the ridges
between canyons The most famous of these
are the cliff dwellings and pueblos of the Mesa
Verde region near the junction of Colorado,
Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico  Beginning*
about 1150AD the Four Corners region experi-
enced a series of profound droughts, [g and by
1306AD the Anasazi had abandoned this area,
  Although we have more advanced technol-
ogy than the Anasazi, modern residents of the
United States are also affected by variations in
our climate.  Between 1934  and 1937 parts of
Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, and
TCansas became'known as the Dust Bowl when
severe drought afflicted the area Clouds of dust
rolled across the vast area affected by  the_
drought, and many  people were forced to
move away to find new sources of livelihood

Earth's Climate: A Dynamic System
Weather changes both rapidly and slowly  The
passage of a thunderstorm can change a bright
sunny day into a dark, windy,1 rainy one m less
than an hour Farmers know that in one year the
amount and timing of rainfall can be nearly ideal
Canyon de Crjelly Anasazi rum, Arizona
       i     -    *
f •,   -.                •.           , ,
 \                        T.
              ^  Reports to tine Nation • Fall 1997

for growing crops, while the next year might,
bring drought or floods. In some'years  no
hurricanes reach the Atlantic,Coast,'while in
other years coastal states are battered by one
storm after another, gg
  In many cases,  variations in weather are
random; like the lucky and unlucky spells of a
gambler they occur without any apparent cause. ;
The atmosphere, in isolation, has only short-
term memory, and so acting alone it  cannot
produce random variations that persist month
after month.  But the climate is determined by
the workings of the climate system, which is
composed of the atmosphere,  oceans, ice
 sheets,  land,  and the plants,- animals, aiid
 people  that inhabit them. Because the ocean
 has a large capacity to store and release heat,
" it gives the climate system a long memory that
 can result in variations lasting from seasons to
 centuries. The number of hurricanes in the
 Atlantic, for example, is known, to vary from
'year to year in synchrony with subtle shifts in
 the sea surface temperature.arid seasonal wind
 patterns. Similarly, long-term effects can result.
 from changes in the biology and chemistry of
 the climate system. For example; life in the sea
 controls the, flux of carbon from atmospheric
                                                                              Topeka, Kansas,
                                                                              Climate Record
                                                                              June, July, August
                                                                              Average Temperature  ;
                                                                              and Rainfall
                                                                              The' .time  series of
                                                                              summertime temperature
                                                                              and. rainfall at Topeka,
                                                                              Kansas, gives a useful
                                                                              illustration,of natural year-
                                                                              to-year variations in local
                                                                              climate, as" well as the major-
                                                                              climate fluctuation  asso-'
                                                                              mated, with the Dust Bowl.
                                                                              period,of the 1930s.
  Reports to the Nation • FalH997

carbon dioxide into ocean sediments
  If weather varies  over long intervals  and
climate does too, how do we distinguish one
from the other? One simple way to think of it is
that climate is what we expect, weather is what
we get To describe climate, researchers look at
the average weather over a number of years in
a particular region during a particular season
Randorn variations in the weather frorn year to
year usually balance each other m these aver-
ages and do not affect the mean climate
  But sometimes abnormal temperature or rain-
fall persists for a few years or even a decade We
can think of these slow shifts in weather as
climate fluctuations One important source of
climate fluctuations is the  El  JSfino-Southern
Oscillation of the tropical Pacific  The  ocean
and atmosphere are closely linked in this region
and together produce important climate fluc-
tuations from one year to the next that have a
significant impact on the seasonal rainfall there
and in regions far removed from the tropical
Pacific. Events ranging from droughts in Austra-
lia to flooding in some parts of the  U\S  result
from the intimate slow dance of the atmosphere
with the ocean ^]
  Another example of a climate fluctuation is
the Dust Bowl of the 1930s in the United States
While it had a very serious influence  on the
lives of many people, it lasted only a few years
and did not represent a long-term change m the
climate We can't give a simple explanation for
the warm, dry years that produced the Dust
         .*                               s,,
Bowl event of the 1930s, but it is probably an
example of a natural fluctuation of the qlimate
system  The  effects of  this fluctuation were
worsened by the agricultural practices in use in
the region at that  time, and improved  soil
conservation techniques were adopted after
the Dust Bowl experience  g|
  Climate varies not only from year to year and
decade  to decade but also on time scales of
centuries Or longer  Great continental ice sheets
Save appeared and disappeared again and again
over the last several million years, What caused'
these long-term  variations? Scientists believe
they stem from something other than the internal
workings of the donate system Just as a baseball
player's home run statistics might change when
the fences are moved closer to home plate, the
weather statistics  can change as a result of shifts
in the planet's external conditions

Why Does Earth's Climate Change?
In  1924 the  Serbian mathematician Milutin
Milankovitch offered a theory for what causes
the advances and  retreats  of ice  sheets  He
   **                          «          '*
hypothesized that the critical factor in determin-
ing ice sheet growth is the amount of sunshine
reaching high latitudes of the  Northern Hemi-
sphere  in the summer  We call  the energy
provided  by  sunshine  the insolation
Milankovitch  predicted that ice  sheets would
grow when the  insolation reaching the high
                                                              Reports to the Nation - Fain997

  1 4\;
latitude continents was less than normal during
summer, since this would allow snow cover to
last through the  melting season and gradually
accumulate over the centuries.
   He showed that changes of insolation result
from subtle variations in Earth's orbit.  Today
the Earth's axis of rotation is tilted about ,23.5
degrees relative to the plane of the Earth's orbit
about the sun, and this tilt gives us pronounced'
seasons in middle and high latitudes. This tilt
angle varies between 22 and 24.5 degrees with
a period of about 41,000 years. The amount by.
  Which Earth's * orbit  deviates 'from; a  perfect,
  circle also varies, with periods around 100,000
  arid 400,000 {years. And the  day of the  year
 •when Earth is closest to' the sun—-cuiTently-
 : January 3rd^-varies  on  a 23,000-year cycle.
  The effects, pf all  these; orbital variations on
  insolation are largest in middle arid high lati-
  tudes, where  colder temperatures^ make the,
 .'development of large ice sheets possible. ||]
     Over the last several decades Milarikpvitch's;
  theory  has  received, a large boost.  Modern
  techniques enable .scientists'to estimate,past
Oxygen Isotope—Global Ice Volume Past 500,000 Years
Tlw oxyflen isotope record in ocean sediments can be used to estimate the mass of
water contained in continental ice sheets in the past, Many times over the past 3
million years the global ice volume has varied dramatically from ice age conditions
  to ihterglacial conditions more's. This plotshqyvs the variatibh.of global
'  ice volume over the last 500,000 years, plotted upside dbwrrso-thaf peaks indicate
  -Warm intervals and lo.w p'oints indicate ice ages.
  Reports to the Nation • Fall1997

amounts  of land ice,  based on information
contained in layered ocean sediments  For the
last several million years, the ice sheets have
varied with the same rhythm as Earth's orbit In
                                        > s
agreement with the Milankovitch theory, global
ice volume peaked at about the same times that
summertime insolation at high latitudes dipped
The period of rapid ice sheet melting about
10,000 years  ago occurred at a time when
greater summertime insolation was reaching
the high-latitude continents of the Northern
  While external shifts of insolation appear to
be a pacemaker of ice ages,  the nature and
magnitude of the resulting climate changes are
still determined by  processes  that  take place
within Earth's climate system In order for the
climate to swing from ice age to warmer condi-
tions, the climate system must amplify the 4
response to Earth's  orbital chafiges  One way"
climate change can be amplified is via a process
known as ice-albedo feedback  "Albedo" is a
measure of how much insolation Earth reflects
back to space  Snow and ice bounce the sun's
rays back into space far more  effectively than
unfrozen ocean  or ice-free land  g  When
temperatures are cold enough for snow cover
to last through a summer season,  the  planet
absorbs much less of the energy available in
sunshine than it would without a covering of
snow  Thus,  as  the ice expands,  less solar
energy is absorbed, which tends to cool the
                                                  High Northern Hemisphere Summer Jnsolation Glaciers Melt
**low Northern Hemisphere Summer Insolation Glaciers Grow and Expand
         •-  l *-             .
  /lilankovitch's Orbital Parameter Theory
  ^jlankovitch theorized that'subtle variations in Earth s orbit can add up to ~
  grjrjie shifts in climate Alarms tilt in Earth saxtsof rotatioifcombmed with an ^
  Kentrfc orBit an3 alummenime Sate for Earth s closesf approach to (he sun t
  [topjcauses more sjinsriineto'reacrTriigfi latitudes of the^NortBern Hemisphere
       nfrftr'f he resultls"*a warm'cflipafe Th'e opposite extreme  in which T
     of Eartffs VMS is smaller, its orbit is lessjeecentric. arfl it is closer to the "r
     gj^afestsaafiwwfaawte&SWNsssSas&S^sWssBrf^siiii ^MMBHKO f «-affi
  ^urjngtne RgrtnenTHemisphere s winter (bpttomj causes snow cover to
  ist thxpusfrthe meTtingseaso*n The accumulafranoTsnow over many seisons
climate further and leads to further expansion
of the ice  cover  This ice-albedo  feedback
             <     "   £                 >
process can make the climate more sensitive to
 >                (             -*
outside influences like shifting msolatipn
                         f      <r
  An important clue to understanding how the
        "-                                  %
climate can get cold enough to sustain summer-
time snow comes from measurements of car-
    >•                          »
bon dioxide (CO2) gas, whose presence in the
atmosphere tends  to  warm the  climate, as
explained on p  14  Scientists can determine
how much CO2 existed in ancient air because
some^of that air is trapped in bubbles inside
 ~<          -1   ^t     v               '
cores of ice from the Greenland and Antarctic
ice sheets These cores show that the atmo-
        ->                                fc
sphere contained 40% less CO. when the ice
 -*-   T-                       V ^
reached its maximum extent 20,000 years ago
than it did just prior to the Industrial Revolution
                           ^      3
in the 18th century  Estimates suggest that the
                              *•          ^
reduced CO2 may account for nearly half of the
approximately  10°F global cooling during this
          t          f                       *
glacial maximum
  t    "              <-     *               '
  The discovery that variations in the chemical
                    i                      *•
composition of the atmosphere are important
                                                                  Reports to the Mation • Fa/U997

for explaining the ice age's has caused scientists
to broaden their view of the climate system to
include not only the physical processes  that
constrain energy and moisture, but also the
chemical and biological processes that control
atmospheric composition and land surface char-
acteristics. Over the longer time spans required
for major glacial cycles, the atmospheric  CO2V
content is closely tied to the amount of CO2 in
the ocean. The amount of CO2 in the ocean is
dependent on marine organisms that use CO2,
sunlight, and nutrients in the process of photo-
synthesis. Lowered atmospheric CO2 may haye
Past and Present Atmospheric C02 Concentration
Estimates of past carbon dioxide concentrations derived from ice cores drilled at
Vostok In Antarctica and Siple Station in Greenland are combined with the modern
instrumental record from Mauna Loa Observatory to create a continuous record that
shows both natural changes associated with ice ages and the modern increase in C02
associated wilh human activities. Natural control of atmospheric C02 ended at the time
o( the Industrial Revolution, when humans began burning fossil carbon fuels,
manufacturing cement, and removing forests at an increasing rate.     >
 resulted from increased productivity of these
 marine organisms during the ice-age.   :
   Some "things cause climate to change over
 periods shorter than  glacial  cycles.  Climate,
 change could, for example, be produced by
 variations Jn the energy output  of ^ the ,sun.
 Observations-taken over the. last few decades
 indicate that output is about 0.1% greater when
 the number,of dark spots  on the.sun is at Its
 maximumr--roughly every 11 years—than when
 it is at a minimum. This change in energy output
 is too small to cause important climate variar,
 tions, but the  sun's output may vary more on;
 longer time scales. Some evidence suggests that
 weakened solar energy output may have helped
 produce  the  Little Ice Age of 1350-1850AD.
 During this period cold spells were more com-
 mon and temperatures were  a few degrees
 colder than npw in middle latitudes. But;while
 mountain glaciers [o].expanded in :some re-
 gions, major ice.sheets did notform.   ,
   Volcanic eruptions  can affect'the  climate
 over the short term by sending large amounts of
 sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas into the stratosphere,
 about ten miles above Earth's surface. In the
 stratosphere the SO2 gas is  converted into tiny
 sulfuric acid droplets that  remain there for a
 year- or more. These .droplets' reflect sunlight
, and reduce the solar heating of the planet. The ,
 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in June of 1991 cooled
 the .climate by a few tenths'of .a degree for about
 a year. But such effects'fade as the volcanic
  Reports to the Nation • Fa/11697

 particles  slowly fall out of the  stratosphere
 Only a succession of major volcanic eruptions
 could cause a longer-lasting change in climate

 Can We  Change the Climate?
 At the end of the last ice age? there were perhaps
 a million people in North America, or about one
 for every 7 square  miles  Today, excluding
 Alaska and Hawaii, there are about 80 people
 for every square mile of land area in the United
 States To sustain this population growth and
 raise our  standard of living, we employ natural
 resources and technologies that were unknown
 to our ice age predecessors
   Human activities are leading to a buildup of
 certain trace gases in Earth's atmosphere  Mea-
 surements show that the level of carbon dioxide
 has increased by about 30% since the late 1700s,
 That time coincides with the beginning of the
 Industrial Revolution when the use of coal as an
 energy so~urce began to increase rapidly. Burn-
 ing coal releases CO2 to the atmosphere Other
 fossil carbon fuels, like petroleum and natural
 gas, also  release CO2 when they are burned
 Such  fuels  are  used in  electrical generation
plants,  automobiles, home heating,  and in a
variety of other ways  Carbon  dioxide  also
escapes to the atmosphere during the process of
cement manufacture and as  a result of the
destruction of forests.
  Atmospheric CO2 has been increasing more
rapidly in recent times, and continued growth
 of both population and per capita energy use
 will make it rise even faster in the 21st century
 In addition, the levels of other trace gases in the
 atmosphere have increased during the indus-
 trial  age,  in most cases as a direct result of
                            "*     *   s
 human  activities  These include hialocarbons,
 methane (CH4), nitrous oxide(N2O), andtropos-
 phenc ozone  (O3)  In 1896, the Nobel Prize-
 winning Swedish chemist Svante  Arrhemus
 predicted that the buildup of CO2 m the atmos-
 phere would warmthe global climate  How can
^such a small change in atmospheric composi-
 tion have such a big effect on climate?  [g]
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Since Premdustnal Times
Atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased from a value of about 275 parts per
million before the Industrial Revolution to about 360 parts per million in 1996 and
the rate of increase has speeded up over this span of time It js certamlhat the
predominant cause of this increase is burning of fossil carbon fuels sucji as coal oil
and natural gas The amount of G02 in the atmosphere has been measured with
instruments since 1957 C02 concentrations prior to 1957 are estimated from C0a
amounts trapped irr bubbles in ice cores from Greenland and"Antarctica
                                                                 Reports  to the Nation  • Fail 1997

               reenhouse effect, Earth tuouldbe
The Greenhouse Effect
Carbon dioxide gas constitutes a tiny fraction of
the atmosphere. Only about one air molecule in
three thousand is CO2. Yet despite their small
numbers, CO2 molecules can have a big effect on
the  climate.  To  understand why they, are'-.'so-
important,  we need  to know about the green-
house effect of the atmosphere. Earth's atmos-
phere lets in rays of sunshine and, they warm the
surface. The planet keeps cool by emitting heat
back into space in the form of infrared radia-
tion—die same radiation that warms us when we
sit near a campfire  or stove.  But  while  the
atmosphere is fairly transparent to sunshine, it is
almost opaque to infrared radiation. Much like a
garden greenhouse,  it traps the hea.t  inside.  [$>]
The Greenhouse Effect
The atmosphere allows solar radiation to enterthe climate system relatively easily, but
absorbs the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface. Although about half of
the energy corning from the sun is absorbed at the surface of the Earth, almost twice
as much surface heating is provided by downward infrared emission from the
atmosphere as from sunshine. This "greenhouse effect" causes the
surface of Earth to be much warmer than it would be without the    •^
atmosphere. The graphic on this page shows the flow of solar    rff-f
(yellow) and infrared (red) radiative energy through the    ^,   •
climate system in watts per square meter of surface
area. On average, 168 watts of solar radiation      *^^
energy reach each square metarof the surface
area, but the heating of the surface from     ,           .
the downward Infrared  radiation    .....'
emitted by the atmosphere Is
almosttwfce that,324watts
per square meter.                     -  •  > .   -
    About half-of the .solar energy that reaches,;'  ,
 Earth passes  through the atmosphere and is;    j
 absorbed at the surface. In contrast, about 90%".
 of the infrared radiation emitted by,the .surface;
 is absorbed by'the  atmosphere 'before'If can' ;
... escape to,space. In addition, greenhouse gases
 like CO2 as well as clouds can re-emit this radia-'
 tion, sending it back toward the ground. The fact  ,.
 as, .Earth's surface receives almost twice as much   (
     T». through
         40 W
   Reports to  the Nation •  Fall1997

  energy from infrared  radiation coining down
                          j-,              *  t
  from the atmosphere as it receives  from sun-

  shine  IfJ all greenhouse gases were removed

  from the atmosphere, the average surface tem-

  perature  of Earth would drop from  its  current

  value of 597 (15*C) to about 0*F (-18°C) With-
                                 .jib.        *
  out the atmosphere's greenhojfeLeffect. Earth

  would be a frozen and nearl«iiLeless?Qknet.
   Reflected solar radiation 107 W
Thermals 24 WC
                               Latent heat
                               o| condensation
                               78 W      ,
                                     by surface
                                • Evaporation,
                                 78 W

                    *~  * Incoming
                      '   solar
                         342 W
                                               o"Ju ifOBOJurKa,!! ri ^
absorbed by
67 W
Solar radiation
 reflected by
 clouds, aerosols
 and atmosphere
 77 W
                                      Solar- radiation
                                 absorbed by surface
                                            168 W

Deoali National Park, Alaska,
                                                It is the distinctive molecular structures of the
                                              greenhouse gases that make them strong ab-
                                              sorbers and emitters of infrared radiation. About
                                              99% of air molecules are nitrogen'and oxygen,
                                              which have a simple structure consisting of two
                                              identical-.atoms. Because of this simple struc-
                                              ture, they have a relatively minor effect on the
                                              transmission  of  solar and infrared radiation.
                                              through the atmosphere. Molecules with three :
                                              or more atoms like water vapor, 'carbon diox-
                                              ide, ozone, and a host of other trace gases can
                                              efficiently absorb and emit infrared energy by
                                              storing and releasing it in molecular vibration-
                                              and rotation.  Though sbme of these gases
                                              constitute  only a  tiny fraction of the atmo-
                                              sphere, they can;nevertheless make significant
                                              contributions to the!greenhouse effect.
                                                The molecule that makes the, largest contri-
                                              bution is water vapor,  which is a relatively
                                              abundant greenhouse gas,  An average water
                                              molecule stays in the atmosphere Only a few
                                              days  from the time  it, evaporates from the
                                              surface to the time it falls out, of the atmosphere
                                              as precipitation, so the water vapor content |^|
                                              of the atmosphere adjusts quickly to changes in
                                              surface temperature. Humanity can do little  to
                                              directly control the global amount of atmos-
                                              pheric water vapor. Because atmospheric wa-
                                              ter .vapor tends to increase: with  increasing
                                              temperature, however, it can amplify climate.
                                              changes produced by other means—a process
                                              called water vapor feedback.
  Reports to the  Nation  • Fall1997

 Why Are Greenhouse
 Gas Amounts Increasing?
 Carbon dioxide has a much longer lifetime in the
                            f  V T
 atmosphere than water vapor. If CO2 is suddenly
 added to the atmosphere, it takes 100 to 200 years
                              •i     •->
 for the amount of atmospheric CO2 to establish a
 new balance,  compared  to  several weeks for
 water vapor. That's because the carbon in CO2 is
 cycled between the atmosphere and the ocean or
 land surface by slow chemical and biological
 processes. Plants, for example, use CO2 to pro-
 duce energy m a process known as photosynthe-
 sis.  Through millions of years of Earth's history,
 trillions of tons of carbon  were taken out of the
 atmosphere by plants and buried in sediments
 that eventually became coal, oil, or natural gas
 deposits In the last two centuries humans have
 used these deposits  at an increasing rate  as an
 economical energy source.   In a simila^ way,
 cement manufacture releases carbon atoms bur-
 ied in carbonate rocks. Today humanity releases
 about 5.5 billion tons of  carbon to the atmos-
 phere eyery year through fossil fuel burning ands
 cement manufacture  Approximately another I 5
 billion tons per year are released through land
 use  changes such as  deforestation. These,re-
 leases result in an increase of atmospheric CO2 of
 about one-half percent per year.
  Other naturally occurring greenhouse gases
such as methane and nitrous oxide have also
been increasing, and entirely man-made green-
house gases such as halocarbons have been
 introduced into the atmosphere. Many of these
 gases are increasing more rapidly than carbon
 dioxide. The (amount pf methane, or natural
 gas, in the atmosphere has doubled since the
 Industrial .Revolution. Although its sources are
 many, the increase is believed to come mainly
                     ,»        " f
 fronrrice paddies, domestic animals; and leak-
                        -l      -|s
 age from coal, petroleum, and natural  gas
 mining. Halocarbons are a family of industrial
 gases that are manufactured for use in refrigera-
 tion units, as  cleaning solvents, and  in  the
 production of insulating foams, g They were
 first manufactured in the 1940s,  and because
 they do not readily react with other chemicals
                                  Nitrous Oxide
                                    0 24 W/m2
 Carbon Dioxide
 1 56 W/m =
Climate Forcing by Greenhouse Gas Increases Since the Industrial Revolution.
Changes in the atmospheric concentration of CQ2, methane, nitrous oxide, 'and
halQcarbonsthat have occurred since the Industrial Revolution have altered theenergy
budget of Earth The difference is about 2 4 watts per square meter, or roughly 1 % of
the energy flow through the global climate system
                                                                 Reports to trie Nation'- Fall 1997

                                                               bv trapping infrared radiation.
                                                               vJ1- .*..., ,;  -...:.  ,.  •   .•  „•,
Clouds reflect sunlit
they can have a lifetime in the atmosphere of
more than 100 years. Halocarbons  are  also.
responsible for the Antarctic ozone hole and a
more general decline in global stratospheric
ozone, but this is a separate problem from the
greenhouse warming contributed by the halo-,
carbons. Production of some of the halocar-
bons that are important greenhouse gases has
been regulated by international agreements to
preserve Earth's protective ozone layer, so their
influence on  climate should  decline in the
future. Nearer to Earth's surface, in the tropos- -
phere, ozone amounts have been increasing
because of human activities. , Ozone at the
surface has  harmful effects on the health of
plants, animals, and humans.   - .    .     ,  :

Aerosols: Sunscreen for the Planet?
Although raising the levels of greenhouse gases.
in the atmosphere is our most important direct
influence on the global climate, human actions :
also contribute to the aerosol content- of the
atmosphere. Aerosols are tiny particles of liquid,
or solid matter that are suspended in air. They
are different  from water cloud droplets or ice-
particles in that they .are present even in  rela-
tively dry air. Atmospheric aerosols have many
sources  and  are composed of many different
materials including sea salt, soil, smoke,^and
sulfuric  acid. Although aerosols have many.
natural sources, it  is estimated that aerosols
resulting from human activities are now almost
 as .important for climate as naturally produced
 'ones, •_ Most'  of:' the  human-induced aerosols ; •
 come from sulfur released in fossil fuel.burning
 and'from burning .vegetation to clear agricul-.'. •
 tural land. Human production of sulfur gases;,
 •accelerated rapidly in the 1950s.  ::   ;     :
   It appears that the cooling effe'ct of aerosols ,
 has canceled out part of the warming that might:
 •have been associated with recent greenhouse'
 gas increases. • Aerosols can, reflect, solar radia-
 tion or absorb.and emit infrared radiation, and ,
 afe bften.visible as haze or smog. By reflecting
 sunlight, they cool  the climate.; The human;
 induced increase in atmospheric aerosols since...
 preindustrial times is believed to have reduced .
 • the energy absorbed by the planet by about half
 a watt per square meter,- enough to. offset about
 20% of the greenhouse gas warming effect., g
   The aerosols produced by humans could also.
 have a. significant, effect  ori  the, amount or ,
 'properties ofelouds. Every cloud droplet or ice.
 i particle has at its center an aerosol called a cloud
 condensation nucleus, on which the water ya- .
 por collected to form the cloud droplet. Aerosols.
 ; that attract water, such as those composed^bf salt
 Or sulfuric: acid,  are. particularly effective as. ;
•[: cloud condensation nuclei. The increased,num- •
 ber of aerosols  produced by, humans  could
 . cause the water in clouds, to be distributed into
 more,,  but smaller, cloud droplets. WitK their :,
 water spread more diffusely;. the clouds would
 reflect more solar radiation. The existence of
  Rsports to the Nation  • Fall1997

 such clouds would cause a cooling that might
 offset part of the greenhouse gas warming, but
 the size of this effect is very uncertain [2]
   We must keep in mind some very important
 differences between the greenhouse warming
 and the aerosol cooling  While greenhouse
 gases such as  CO2 and halocarbons remain in
 the atmosphere for about a century after being
 released, aerosols released into the lower atmos-
 phere remain  there only a few weeks  There- A
 fore, human-produced aerosols are not distrib-
 uted  evenly over  the globe, but tend  to be
 concentrated near the points where^ they^ are
 released into  the atmosphere  Most of them
 originate in industrialized countries of the North-
 em Hemisphere, where fossil fuels are burned,
 and in land areas where vegetation is burned
 Because their effects are more localized, aero-
 sols may cause regional shifts in climate Also,
 because of their short lifetimes in the atmos-
 phere, the effect of aerosols on today's climate
 is determined  by the amount of aerosol pro-'
 duced during the previous couple of weeks In
 contrast,  the CO2  that we release  into the
 atmosphere today  will affect the climate  for
 more than 100 years
  For these reasons the greenhouse gas warm-
ing must eventually overwhelm any human-
induced aerosol cooling that may be taking
place Nonetheless it is important to understand
the effect of aerosols on the climate so that we "
may better predict how changing greenhouse
 gas amounts will affect the future climate and
 assign the proper causes to temperature changes
 when we observe them Efforts are underway
 to reduce the release of SO2 gas from coal-fired
 energy plants because it causes acid rain and
 lung  disease, and*this may have the effect of
 reducing aerosol amounts in some regions

 How Has Climate Changed
 in the Past Century?
 Measurements indicate that global mean surface
 temperature has increased by about 1°F (0 5°C)
 in the past century  The  warming has been
 greatest over the continents between 40 and 70
 degrees North latitude  Over this same period of
 time global sea level has risen between 4 and 10
 inches (10-25 cm)  Scientists do not yet know
 with  certainty what part of these changes is,
 caused by human activities and what part would
 have .occurred anyway Part  of this warming
 may be a rebound from the cooling of the little
 IceAge during the 1350-1850 period, which was
 probably unrelated to human activities But this
 warming also happened during the period when
 human activities were increasing CO2 and other
 greenhouse gas amounts  in  the atmosphere.
Many scientists are convinced that human ac-
tivities have made a major contribution to the
warming of the past century, and that warming
caused by greenhouse gas increases willjbe a
continuing part of our future,
  A rapid greenhouse warming of the climate
                                                             Reports to the Nation • Fafl1997

would cause serious problems. Because such a ,
warming, once initiated, would last for a long
time, scientists  and  civic planners  are  very
interested in knowing how much warming is .
occurring and what part of it can be attributed
to human actions. The record of global tempera-
ture obtained from thermometers around the
world extends back in time only a little over a
century. This record shows a steady increase up
until 1940, followed by a period of slight cool-
ing. Since the  1970s the temperatures  have
gone up rapidly, and many of the warmest years .
in the global temperature record have occurred
in  the past  15 years.  It  is  not known with
certainty whether this recent warming trend will
continue, or whether it is caused by the increas-
ing trend of greenhouse gas concentrations in
the atmosphere. The natural random variability
of  the  climate  system on decade-long  time
scales is fairly large,' and it is riot yet clear how
to separate this variability from  changes that
have resulted from human activities.  , :  ;   •  ,

Can We Predict Climate Change?
The behavior of  the  climate  system can  be
simulated with computer, models, [pi]  and the
.simulations can  then be tested'against observa-
tions of current "and past  climate. They/.can be
used to .study the response of the climate to
changing :amounts of greenhouse gases  and


 Instrumental Temperature Record 1865-1995
 The record of global mean surface air temperature from thermometer readings
 Indicates a global warming over the past century, with many peaks and .troughs
 suggesting the natural year-to-year variability of climate.    "      .
   Reports to the Nation • Fal11997

aerosols, to changes in land surface conditions,
and to other natural or human-caused changes
But while such models capture many of the key
features of the  present climate, they do have
shortcomings                     *
  Modeling the climate on a computer is diffi-
cult because processes with very large spatial
scales, such as the transport of energy from the
tropics to the poles by atmospheric  motions,
are just as important as small-scale processes
like the collection of water molecules  into
raindrops. How do we  represent this Wide
range of spatial scales in a single model that is
efficient enough to run on available computers
in a reasonable length of time? The  standard
approach js to represent the globe with a grid"
of boxes about 100 miles on a side and then
predict the average properties  in these boxes
using known laws of physics  The effects of
processes that  occur pn^ smaller  scales are
represented with approximate formulas  that
relate them to the averaged properties in the
grid boxes  The problem with this approach is
that some of the small-scale processes that must
be treated m a more approximate fashion are
also central to the feedback effects that deter-
mine how much climate change will result from
human  actions. For example,  clouds have a
                               " i
huge influence on the transmission of solar and
infrared radiation through the atmosphere, yet
the processes that determine the  properties of
                               «.       *
clouds occur on scales that are much smaller
than a climate model grid box A large part of
the uncertainty in forecasts of future climates
derives from uncertainty about  .how  to treat
clouds p]  in climate models Important feed-
       —                         -   #     '
backs such as those involving surface  ice and
atmospheric water vapor also  involve pro-
cesses occurring on small scales that must be
treated with approximate formulas As com-
puter power and'understandlng both increase,
some of the uncertainty associated with feed-
back processes will decline and more accurate
                    *   *          t.  ^ *"
climate forecasts will become available

What Do Climate Models
fell Us About Our Future?,
Once a climate model has been tested against
                                  <   '  *»
current and past observations, it is reasonable to
ask what it can tell us about future climate^ A
typical experiment of this nature is to extend the
   "~    tv ^                         *
20th century's increase in greenhouse gases into
the next century and see how the climate model
responds to this change Because of the approxi-
    *             "'      •>- ;
mations in  the models, however,  the projected
warming over the next century is quite uncertain,
jangmg from a  modest warming of 2^F (1°C) to a
very substantial warming of 8°F (4 5°C)  Models
                               •"•  ?
consistently predict that the warming would be
greater in high latitudes than in the tropics, and
greater over land than  ocean. Many  models
predict larger increases in evaporation  than in
precipitation over midlatitude land areas, which
would result in drier conditions in those regions,
t                *   *     ~          O    7
                                                              -Reports to the- Nation •  Fa/M997

especially during summer in North America and
Southern Europe. Warming may cause agricul-
tural zones  in North America to move north-'
ward, which would benefit some communities
and harm others. Changes in the climate of .
specific small regions and changes in the activity *
of tropical storms cannot yet be predicted with
much confidence. When natural climate fluctua-
tions cause sea surface temperature in the tropi-
cal North Atlantic to increase, hurricane .activity
also seems to increase, but it is not certain that
a  global surface temperature  rise caused  by
greenhouse gas increases would have a, proper-;
tional effect on hurricane activity. [§]     ...
   The effect of the warming on humanity
depends on the magnitude of the warming, the
speed with which the warming occurs, and the
way society organizes itself to adapt to climate
change. If the warming is as fast and as large as
some of the models suggest, then the effects on ;
people and our natural environment could be
quite serious. Agriculture and.water supplies
can take decades to adapt, and natural ecosys,-
tems take, centuries. Therefore, a more rapid:
change would pose more difficult problems.

Where Do We Go from Here?
When planning for the future, we often assume-
thatthe climate we have experienced in the past
will continue,, but this may not be: the ease. Rain,",
snow, and temperature affect many aspects of
human life, including public health, agriculture .
'and the way we manage our .water and energy
resources. We know that the amounts of some
greenhouse  gases  in  the. atmosphere;  are ^in-
creasing as a result of human  activities. The
well-understood physics of the greenhouse ef-
fect indicates that the changing composition of
the-  atmosphere 'should ^warrh the  surface cli-
niate of Earth, Current estimates of the expected
Images of Earth
Cllnwlolojlcal values for the December through February
saason of (from left to right): sea surface temperature,
rainfall, albedo, and outgoing Infrared emission. Values
range from low to high as the color goes from blue to red to
whit*. The heavy precipitation over South America during
this season is accompanied by the high albedos and low
Infrared emission associated with tall convective clouds.
   Reports to the Nation  • Fall1997

climate change over  the next century range
from a future  climate modestly warmer than
today to one warmer than any that has occurred
on Earth  for more than  a million years This
range of  uncertainty  is uncomfortably large
Moreover, current models cannot make accu-
rate predictions of how  temperature and the
availability of water might change in a particular
state or county, where measures to adapt  to
climate change would need to be taken
   Scientists are working  hard  to improve our
understanding of the  climate system and our
ability to  predict its future course This work
involves taking careful observations to monitor
subtle changes in the climate system, conduct-
ing intensive observational programs to study
the processes that determine  how much cli-
mate change to expect,  and  continuing to
improve climate models and test them against
observations We also need to improve  our
knowledge of the two-way relationship be-
tween humans and climate   Because of the
long lifetime of greenhouse gases in the atmo-
sphere, decisions that are made during the next
decade or so could affect the quality of life for
generations to come
                      •*   f  f       f
  Given the current level of Uncertainty and the
complexity of the climate system, the future will
likely bring surprises, which could be of either
the pleasant or the unpleasant variety Informa-
tion about how the climate is changing, knowl-
edge of why  observed changes occur,  ^and
accurate prediction of future climates  will be
very important for the public and policy mak-
     Efficient communication of this mforma-
tion to all concerned will be^an important part
of the process of deciding how to respond to
the challenge of our changing climate  [g
                                                                Graecfel T E and P J Crutzen, 1995, Atmosphere
                                                                Climafe and Change  WH Freeman 196,    '
                                                                Hartmann D L  1994 Global Physical Climatology
                                                                Academic Press San Diego 411
                                                                Houghton J T etal 1996 Climate Change 1995 the
                                                                Science of Climate Change Cambridge University Press
                                                                Cambridge, 572
                                                                Imbne J andK P Imbrie 1979 IceAges Solving the
                                                                Mystery Enslow Publishers Short flills N J 224
                                                                Meltzer D J 1993 Search for the First Americans
                                                                SmithsoniahBooks Washington DC  176
                                                                Somerville  R, C J , 1996   The  Forgiving Air
                                                                Understanding Enviromental Change University of
                                                                California Press 216
                                                                 Reports to t)ie Matiop  - Faff1997

Writers and Contributors
Writer. Dennis Hartmann, University of Washington
Contributors; Shawna Vogel, Science Writer
Lisa Farrow, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Our Changing Climate is the fourth in a series of publications on climate
and global  change Intended for public education. The documents are a
collaborative effort of the UCAR Joint Office for Science Support and the
NOAA Office of Global Programs, for the purpose of raising the level of
public awareness of Issues dealing with global environmental change. The
reports are written by wen-recognized scientists and science writers  on •,.
timely subiects and are guided by a scientific editorial board.

Editorial Board
Daniel  L. Albtitton, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Francis Brelherton, University of Wisconsin
Michael Glantz, National Center for Atmospheric Research
J. Michael Hall, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration   .    ,
Mark Meier, University of Colorado.
Stephen Schneider, Stanford University                        -
John M. Wallace, University of Washington

Additional  Manuscript Reviewers
Thomas Karl, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Jerry Melilfo, Office of Science and Technology Policy
Eric Miller, Falrview High School
Richard SomerviHe, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Production Management and Distribution                         :
Paula Robinson, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Karyn Sawyer, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Design, Illustration and Production
Internetwork, Inc.. Del Mar, CA 92014.
Payson R. Stevens, Leonard Slrota, Roger Parker, Eric Arterburn

Editing and Graphic Support                               .
Grace  C. Gudmundson, Kay M. Dewar, Marc L. Michelsen,
University of Washington
Denise Cook-Clampert, Copy Editor

For additional copies contact Reports to the Nation, UCAR Joint  Office for
Science  Support, P.O. Box 3000. Boulder, CO 80307-3000 USA; phone
(303) 497-8666; fax (303) 497-8633; internet:

Imago Credits
All computer graphic illustrations: InterNetwork, Inc.
Cover/Page 1: NASA/Space Shuttle; Pages 2-3: top row, left to right-
NASA  Space Shuttle.  U.S. Geological Survey, NOAA/NESDIS, EROS Data,
Center, middle row,   Surface Temperatures,  Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
©Payson R. Stevens,© Richard N. Carter, bottom row, © Payson R. Stevens,
U.S. Geological Survey, © Payson R. Stevens; Page 7: © Payson R. Stevens;
 Page 8; Western History Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries; Page 9:
 NASA Space Shuttle; Page 10: top row, U. S, Geological Survey, bottom
© Bruce F. Molnia;  Page 16: © Payson R. Stevens; Page 22: Marc L.
 Michelsen, University of Washington; Page 24-IBC: © Payson R. Stevens;

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     Reports  to  the  Nation  •  Fall1997

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