Stigmas surrounding nuclear energy are prevalent. Individuals may think of Fukushima, Three Mile Island, or Chernobyl when they hear discussions of nuclear power. However, in a situation of exacerbating effects of climate change and exponentially increasing energy demands, nuclear energy will likely be part of any solution. This research publication from the MIT Energy Initiative, the final report in an eight-part series on energy and the environment, explores the role that nuclear energy could play in reducing reliance on unsustainable fossil fuel energy production. Some of the topics the report explores include advances in safer nuclear technologies, the need to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the costs of nuclear power, and public perceptions of nuclear plants. According to the report's authors, it is "designed to serve as a balanced, fact-based, and analysis-driven guide for stakeholders involved in nuclear energy." On the page linked above, readers can download a PDF of the report in English or Chinese (with executive summaries also available in French, Japanese, Korean, and Polish). Visitors can also find links to a press release about the report and a podcast episode featuring some of the study authors.