Open Folklore is a collaborative project created by Indiana University Libraries and the American Folklore Society (AFS) with a goal of showcasing and growing "the number and variety of open access resources, published and unpublished, that are available for the field of folklore studies and the communities with whom folklore scholars partner." The project recognizes that many of the traditional pathways to access folklore material are restricted by copyright and subscription or because some materials have never been formally published. The project seeks to provide interested parties, scholars, and folklore enthusiasts with a rich array of books, journals, and gray literature. On the page linked above, visitors can find open-access materials and resources using a basic keyword search (with options to filter results by format, author, year, or other metadata). Users can also browse through available "Books," "Journals," "Web Archives," or "Gray Literature." A "News" section (found in the menu at the top of the page) provides timely updates and news from the field and about the project. In that same menu, readers will find a link to the "AFS Ethnographic Thesaurus," which was developed to improve access to and guide research about folklore, ethnomusicology, ethnology, and related fields.