Internet folklore is flourishing, and one of its most popular and esoteric expressions is the creation of memes. The website Know Your Meme is dedicated to documenting memes and other viral phenomena, and for those of us who have a hard time keeping up with internet culture, it provides the necessary context to understand what various memes mean and where they came from. From the page linked above, visitors can use the Search bar at the top of the page to query a meme of interest or click on "Memes" in the menu at the top of the page to access the full Meme Database. Entries are organized by their verification status ("Submissions," "Researching," and "Confirmed") and by their popularity online and in the "real" world ("Most Popular" and "Newsworthy"). Each entry explains what the meme is about, documents its origins and spread, and offers examples and external references. Because the database uses wiki software, users can submit their own memes for community research and discussion, followed by further evaluation by the site's editorial staff and moderators. Know Your Meme was founded in 2008 and is published by Literally Media, Ltd.