Did you know that 1 in 255 women and 1 in 12 men have some form of color vision deficiency? Readers who have ever been curious about color perception and acuity will find much to take away from X-Rite's Color Challenge and Hue Test. X-Rite, a company that blends the art and science of color to provide color management solutions across many industries, offer this free, short-form version of the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test to better understand color vision acuity. The test, which simply requires arranging a series of color swatches in a palette, not only identifies whether or not the user has a color deficiency, but where in the spectrum their hue discriminations lie, as well as allowing users to compare their score to others in their demographic. The Color Challenge and Hue Test also includes a Get the Facts section, which includes links to information about the full Farnsworth Munsell test and about color perception in general. Further resources include a color glossary, a blog, information about industry gadgets like spectrophotometers, and more.