Dive Against Debris is a citizen science initiative through which divers collect data to be used by marine researchers and policymakers to contribute to ocean conservation efforts. To participate, divers are encouraged to collect marine debris during their dives and log information about the debris into a global database. On the page linked above, interested divers can learn how to participate by clicking "Become a Citizen Scientist" in the top menu, which links to prerequisites and a step-by-step guide to joining the effort. Data can be submitted either through the Dive Against Debris app (which is undergoing maintenance as of this writing) or through an online submission form. Full details can be found in the "App FAQ" page (note that users will need to create an account to participate). There are also many conservation tools available on the site (click "Toolkit" in the top menu), such as course guides for diving instructors, manuals of responsible tourism best practices for dive managers, and even resources for kids to get involved in marine conservation. Dive Against Debris is a project of the PADI AWARE Foundation, a public non-profit whose mission is to foster ocean conservation through local action. Readers can follow the foundation on Facebook (@ProjectAWAREFoundation) and Instagram and Twitter (@projectaware on both platforms).