Hexo is a static site generator designed for blogging, with an emphasis on speed. The developers state that sites comprising hundreds of files "take only seconds to build." Entries are written in GitHub flavored Markdown. There are more than 330 themes included in a default installation. Users may also create their own custom themes. Numerous plugins are available to add still more themes, provide support for additional markup formats (e.g., MathJax, LaTeX, or Haml), and add other features. In the Docs section of the Hexo site users can locate installation instructions that cover Windows, macOS, and Linux computers, a brief Getting Started guide, and detailed usage instructions. Also included are instructions covering how to publish a Hexo-generated site on GitHub Pages, GitLab Pages, Heroku, Netlify, OpenShift, or on any hosting provider that supports rsync, SFTP, or FTP. Developers can locate technical documentation on how to extend Hexo in the API section of the site.