Summer provides a well-deserved opportunity for educators to rest and rejuvenate. It is also a time when instructors prepare for the upcoming school year. STEM|ED Magazine is the perfect publication for science teachers looking for guidance on fresh learning strategies they can bring with them to classrooms in the fall. Bringing together evidence-based pedagogy and plenty of practical examples, the magazine features "free innovative and passionate STEM education ideas." As a fairly new publication (Issue One was released in February 2021), only two issues are currently available. However, both are packed with helpful information and lesson tips, as indicated by the hundreds of subscribers who have already tuned in. Plus, the third issue will be hot off-the-press tomorrow; so, be sure to check back then. Readers will also find subscription information and social media channels linked at the bottom of the Home page. Fi Morrison serves as STEM|ED Magazine's editor-in-chief, with support from Dr. Sandy Nicoll, editor.