Plenty of education and pedagogy resources exist, but Ever Educating stands out because it is designed for a niche audience: graduate students who are performing teaching duties, perhaps with limited training. Of course, the channel is a wonderful resource for other educators, too (especially those in higher education). Erika Romero, an English Studies PhD candidate and adjunct professor, runs the YouTube channel. Romero launched Ever Educating in 2019 as a way to share teaching tips and ideas with a broader audience. Like many education resources, Romero's recent content focuses on online teaching and virtual learning. For example, readers will find a playlist about synchronous hybrid teaching and a playlist on creating recorded lectures. Other videos discuss all aspects of teaching, from beginning (e.g., icebreaker activities and syllabus design) to end (e.g., grading and evaluations). Videos range in length, though most are less than 20 minutes long, and are frequently uploaded, with two new videos added most weeks. For additional content from Romero, follow @EverEducating on social media or check out the blog, linked on the About page.