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As the joke goes in number 949 of the famous XKCD webcomic, sending files between computers on the internet remains a perplexingly difficult problem. Croc is a tool to solve this issue while: 1) allowing transfers between any two computers; 2) providing end-to-end encryption; 3) working on all the major platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux, BSD); 4) allowing multiple files to be transferred within one session; 5) providing support for resuming interrupted transfers; 6) not requiring any port forwarding; 7) supporting ipv6; and 8) allowing the use of a proxy like tor. Croc's author has been unable to locate any other tool that provides all eight of these features. Usage of croc is quite simple in practice. On the sending computer, a user runs `croc send FileOrFolder` and is given a three word code that they must convey (via online chat, text message, phone call, etc.) to the recipient. The recipient then runs `croc three-word-code` on their computer to receive the files that were sent. Croc also provides a text mode that can be used to securely send short snippets of text like one-time login URLs or temporary passwords. The Install section of the croc site gives installation instructions for Windows, macOS, several flavors of Linux, and FreeBSD.
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Date of Scout Publication
April 2nd, 2021
Date Of Record Creation
March 18th, 2021 at 11:57am
Date Of Record Release
March 18th, 2021 at 2:49pm
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