Ecologists may enjoy this open-access journal that highlights software and taxonomic research relevant to the field. The Biodiversity Data Journal has a wide scope, publishing research on "taxonomic, floristic/faunistic, morphological, genomic, phylogenetic, ecological or environmental data on any taxon of any geological age from any part of the world." For example, recent pieces discuss a new online, worldwide ecological database and share findings from wildlife surveys (including an exciting first sighting of an orangutan at the Usun Apau National Park). Articles can be read online or downloaded as PDF or XML files. On the left-hand panel, readers can sign up for email alerts from the journal and view the latest activity on the organization's Twitter feed. Plus, readers interested in publishing with the journal will find all the details they need on the Guidelines for Authors, Data Publishing Guidelines, and Data Review Guidelines pages. Editor-in-Chief Vincent Smith, a research leader at the Natural History Museum, heads the journal. A full list of editorial staff is available on the Editorial Team page.