Contact tracing has been an important piece of the pandemic response. This data visualization breaks the process down for readers, weighing app-based contact tracing's benefits and potential drawbacks, while also emphasizing key considerations (most notably, privacy protection). Thomas Haas and Fidel Thomet, both based in Berlin, made their data visualization project accessible in both English and German and published the piece in May of 2020, shortly after the world began to rapidly respond to COVID-19. Since its publication, many regions have indeed implemented contact tracing apps, and this resource may be useful to readers wishing to further understand the process. The resource's interactive and color-coded diagrams detail how COVID-19 can quickly spread, further emphasizing the importance of a quick contact tracing response. After reviewing tracing apps from several angles, Haas and Thomet conclude that "the reduced probability of infecting other people through your infection outweighs the security risks of this tracing app design." This conclusion is consistent with data protection experts. This timely project has received high praise from the data visualization community, including a top prize from The Pudding's 2020 Pudding Cup. In the selection committee's words, "in a year filled with top-notch COVID visualizations ... this one still managed to stand out."