Published quarterly since 2007, Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature features diverse mediums of work from writers with disabilities and disabled writers. The journal is digital and open access, a core component of its mission to create a "searchable core" of work from both well-known and up-and-coming writers. Each issue includes a variety of artwork, book reviews, interviews, poems, short stories, and more. The Submission Guidelines page expands on each of these categories for writers interested in submitting work. The journal prioritizes work that discusses "disability experiences and cultures," and "privilege[s] publishing work by writers and other creative artists with disabilities ... adopt[ing] a cross-disabilities perspective." Readers should note that submissions for the Spring 2021 issue will be received up until February 15, 2021. The current masthead is led by Editor-in-Chief Diane R. Wiener, a writer, research professor, and the Associate Director of Interdisciplinary Programs and Outreach at the Burton Blatt Institute (housed within the Syracuse University College of Law). Wordgathering receives financial support from the this branch of the Burton Blatt Institute, as well as from the Syracuse University Libraries.