Bringing together stakeholders from governmental, technological, and nonprofit sectors, All You Need is Code hopes to "promote coding and computational thinking," in formal and informal settings. The site curates coding resources for Students, Teachers, and Adults. Each section links out to websites, games, lesson plans, and more, making the best resources available in one convenient place. The site also highlights DIS-CODE, a project that introduces students to computing and coding skills through a "flipped classroom" (a more interactive approach to learning) and other innovative models. The DIS-CODE curriculum includes three modules, covering digital skills, numerical skills, and an introduction to Scratch programming. Modules contain a syllabus with learning objectives, activities, and an assessment, among other helpful features. DIS-CODE was developed by a consortium of partners from Italy, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Belgium, and Portugal. Both the platform and the All You Need is Code site in its entirety hope to promote coding across ages and industries, with the premiere goal of "establishing coding as a key competence within every education system in Europe."