Goxel is a 3D drawing program that uses "Voxels" (short for "Volumetric Pixels," or cubes) to describe scenes. Most other 3D editing software (such as Blender) represents scenes as meshes of 2D triangles. Voxel-style art appears in a number of video games, most prominently Minecraft. In the Gallery section of the site, users can locate a number of examples that were created with Goxel. The Web Version link provides an in-browser version of Goxel that users can try out before installing the software on their computers. At the bottom of the Goxel front page, users will find a video where artist Thibault Simar builds a 3D castle in Goxel. The Download section of the site provides installers for Windows and macOS computers, as well as links to iOS and Android versions.