Founded in 2013, Economies, an international, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal, has published more than 400 articles on economic theory, policy, and sustainability, among other topics. The Journal Browser tool in the left-hand panel allows users to jump between volumes and issues, and, with eight volumes and quarterly issues, there is plenty of research to peruse. Additionally, the latest articles are highlighted on the home page, and readers can sign up for email alerts to never miss a new release. Articles can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF. Those interested in submitting to the journal will want to navigate to the Instructions for Authors page (found in the Journal Menu on the left-hand panel of the site). Here, readers will find detailed instructions and a submission checklist. Dr. Ralf Fendel (a professor at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany) has served as the journal's Editor-in-Chief since its founding, and the journal is also managed by a global board of more than 80 members.