New from The Pudding (a digital publication referenced in many past Scout Report issues) comes Cloud Zoo, bringing the joy of zoos all over the world right to the user's computer screen. Readers have "digital zookeepers" RJ Andrews and Amber Thomas to thank for curating this content. Each day, they collect live streams from multiple zoos and aquariums and conveniently embed them in one central "digital zoo." As users scroll down the page to virtually walk through exhibitions, they will encounter many friends along the way, including river otters at the Tennessee Aquarium, a two-toed sloth from the Hattiesburg Zoo, and Fiordland penguins in Melbourne. Some animals are so popular that users can view their species' exhibition at different zoos (for example, four koala live streams are available). To expand a livestream, simply click on the label. This impressive visualization was created using footage from across the internet, with a large quantity pulled from the site Zoo Cameras Around the World. For more information on how these data are compiled, check out the Methods section at the end of the piece.