Offering unique perspectives on education and educators, the PsychSessions podcast is a must-listen for those in the teaching and learning community. The podcast is co-hosted by Garth Neufeld and Eric Landrum, who invite guests on the show from across educational and vocational sectors. Together, they explore "what it means to be an educator," and share perspectives on other relevant topics. In addition to these more traditional episodes, the podcast has several ASKPsychSessions features. Hosted by Marianne Lloyd, these installments tackle listeners' questions and share insights from field experts. Episodes span themes including "information about making the sudden pivot to online instruction or various aspects of improving equity, diversity, and inclusion instruction in your course." A November 18, 2020 episode discussed "supporting students with disabilities." The podcast also has a series called SoTLPsychSessions that introduces listeners to Anna Ropp, who interviews scholars studying the educational sector. The Episodes tab in the top-right corner allows listeners to sort all of these episodes by year and month, and the podcast is also available on most popular listening platforms (all of which are linked at the top of the site).