This year marks the Latino STEM Alliance's (LSA) 10th anniversary. Over the past decade, LSA developed programming centered on their mission to help participants further"development of 21st century skills like collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity." For example, check out the Online Learning Series page for access to free lessons and activities. For readers in the Boston area, LSA provides additional curriculum. Details about these offerings are available on the Programs and Services page. Readers should note that some programs have transitioned to online formats, making them accessible to educators outside of Boston. Readers should also stay tuned for LSA's new Remote Robotics Program (launching October 2020). Designed to last 18 weeks (with hour-long sessions), the program will help students engage with the "STEM industry and engineer solutions to issues that are meaningful to them." LSA collaborates with a variety of groups (including Boston Public Schools) and receives financial support from "foundations, corporations, academic institutions, and ... individual donors."