Produced by the Organization of American Historians, The Journal of American History, and The American Historian, Process History is a blog all about "history and the multifaceted ways of engaging with the U.S. past." For example, a May 2020 post written by Professor Laura Prieto titled "Votes for Colonized Women" discusses underreported aspects of the women's suffrage movement. As the post reminds readers, "we should not reduce the history of American women's suffrage to the attitudes of white women on the mainland." In addition to scrolling down the main page to find posts, the Tag Cloud in the bottom-right corner allows users to filter by topics like "environment" and "education." The blog hosts writing "from anyone actively engaged in the practice of U.S. history," so history students and scholars may be interested in pitching a piece for publication. Check out the About and Submissions pages for more information with submission guidelines and instructions. Readers craving additional content can follow the blog on Twitter, @processhistory.