Described as a "puzzle of urban mobility space," What the Street!? explores how major cities around the world allocate their mobile space. Using OpenStreetMap software, data scientists and designers Michael Szell and Stephan Bogner creatively graphed parts of major cities' infrastructure. Currently, more than 20 cities are available, including Beijing, Chicago, Rome, and Johannesburg. To select a city, click on the down arrow next to "Who owns" on the project's landing page. From there, visitors can scroll through the interactive data visualization project to see how much of the city is covered by parking lots, compared to rail lines or bike paths. Additionally, clicking on a color-coded data piece brings up its real-life location via Google maps. Szell and Bogner created the project during their residencies with moovel lab (now move lab), a think-space focused on "the future of mobility." Readers interested in the design process behind What the Street!? may want to read the creators' corresponding blog post (linked on the About page). Here, readers will learn more about how and why the project was launched.