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California Community Colleges: Online Student Readiness Tutorials

Online learning is a growing field, providing unique opportunities and requiring unique preparation. Set yourself up for success in an online learning environment with these Online Student Readiness Tutorials. Under Interactive Tutorials, users will find a collection of lessons and tips (all under 15 minutes in length) that cover a range of topics relevant to online learners, from "Getting Tech Ready" to "Financial Planning." These tutorials can be accessed in three formats: multimedia presentations, text scripts, or audio recordings. Under Interactive Tools, readers will find four personalized tools that demonstrate the benefits of online learning and further prepare students for this unique educational environment. For example, the Computer Readiness Test ensures that your computer is up-to-date with the proper technology and plug-ins to make your online learning experience go smoothly. The Daily Schedule Calculator helps students devise a schedule that makes time for various commitments (such as class, studying, sleep, exercise, and working). The tool updates in real time, allowing individuals to adjust, plan, and prioritize their time. These resources are curated by California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative, dedicated to providing "interactive, helpful, and easily accessible," tools for online students. Readers should note that their user experience will be best when the resources are accessed on a computer or tablet, rather than a phone.
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Date of Scout Publication
June 12th, 2020
Date Of Record Creation
May 4th, 2020 at 2:52pm
Date Of Record Release
May 5th, 2020 at 12:30pm
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