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Label This: Wine Label Transcription Project

Longtime viticulturist and professor Maynard Amerine has an impressive wine label collection. UC Davis's Label This: Wine Label Transcription Project is cataloging his materials to "provide a meaningful window into the history of both winemaking and winemakers," for all to enjoy. The project is a work-in-progress, but visitors can find the nearly 5,000 materials inputted thus far by scrolling to the gallery at the bottom of the page. In addition to browsing images of the included wine labels, the project offers a unique hands-on opportunity to contribute by welcoming volunteers to assist with catalog and transcription efforts. Learn more about participating by reading the Here's How You Can Help section on the home page, and then click the green "Get Started" button just below to begin. Those eager to jump in can also head directly to the transcription section by clicking the Transcribe tab at the top of the site. The project also has a blog (located under the Blog tab in the top-right corner) and, though it has not been updated since 2017, archived posts offer additional insight on the project's inspiration, Mr. Amerine.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
May 22nd, 2020
Date Of Record Creation
April 30th, 2020 at 1:25pm
Date Of Record Release
May 1st, 2020 at 8:37am
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