For many people engaged in social distancing, more time at home means more time experimenting in the kitchen. The video tutorials from ChefSteps provide inspiration and instruction to get you started. This YouTube channel strives to "cook smarter," offering a collection of free, short videos designed to impart cooking school techniques to regular folks in the kitchen. Videos cover a mixture of cooking tips and recipe demonstrations, from nutritious meal prepping advice (see "Healthy, Delicious Meal Prepping with Jef Nelson of Shotgun Fitness") to indulgent desserts (such as "Double Chocolate Tart"). Readers may wish to begin by viewing the many playlists offered by the channel, which include: ChefSteps: Tips & Tricks (where viewers can learn skills such as how to pickle using sous vide), Baking Recipes, and (which delves into the science behind cooking and food). The channel also offers a multitude of individual videos that help home cooks with meals ranging from tamales (see "Hot-to-Trot Tamales") to sushi (see "Simple, Party-Starting Sushi Rolls, With Taichi Kitamura"). Additional content and recipes can be found at, though much of the website content is only available with a paid subscription.