Looking for timely history or physics curriculum highlighting key contributions by women to STEM fields? This Common Core Standards-aligned lesson plan from the American Institute of Physics, titled Chien-Shiung Wu, Chinese Nuclear Physicist may be of interest. The curriculum focuses on the work of Chien-Shiung Wu, a prominent nuclear physicist who is well-regarded for groundbreaking contributions as a senior scientist and professor while simultaneously advocating for women to have a place in scientific communities. Her major accomplishments include serving as Princeton University's first female instructor and being elected into the National Academy of Science. The lesson plan includes a link to an introductory YouTube video, reading materials, discussion questions and answers, and supplementary resources. The materials also provide an in-depth breakdown of what teachers should be doing during each point in the lesson, including how much time to spend on each activity and how to frame each point of discussion. The lesson plan is designed for grades 9-12 and is estimated to take about an hour to complete. All learning materials are free to download in PDF form.