Programming Librarian, a website of the American Library Association's (ALA) Public Programs Office, "provides [libraries] the resources, connections, and opportunities needed to fill their role as centers of cultural and civic life." This site may be run by the ALA, but programming ideas from around the world are shared for all to research or incorporate. Any librarian, archivist, or information professional who creates programming or does outreach can find a wide array of ideas in this collection. Visitors to the site can browse ideas by budget (starting from free) and by institution type (academic, public, school, etc.) via the browse ideas tab on the homepage. Additionally, programming for popular topics involving themes or celebrations, such as Black History Month, and audience level are also available to browse. For example, if wanting to plan a program that targets people experiencing homelessness, visitors can read about a program entitled, "Swap it Like it's Hot," a clothing exchange event for adults at the Central City Library in Auckland, New Zealand. In addition to programming ideas, the Programming Librarian has a section of its site dedicated to news and a blog, the latter of which features contributions from guest librarians writing about topics involving successful programming endeavors at their home institutions.