MERLOT is an open education resource (OER) project comprised of a curated repository of high-quality teaching and learning materials for a wide variety of disciplines, such as STEM, social sciences, humanities, and business. These materials include open-access textbooks, learning exercises, tutorials, online courses, and more. One of MERLOT's many useful features is its bookmark collections of multiple resources and course ePortfolios, all of which were added to MERLOT by its roughly 160,000 members (as of this write-up) and can be freely accessed by anyone. Upon registering for a free membership, users also gain the ability to upload resources, create their own bookmark collections and course ePortfolios, and rate and comment on collection materials. In addition to user ratings, more than 5,000 of the over 83,000 materials currently available in MERLOT have been peer-reviewed. This large repository encompasses OER for audiences ranging from elementary students all the way up to professionals. Visitors may also want to check out one of this project's 24 academic discipline communities, where they will find discipline-specific materials collected together into one portal. MERLOT, which stands for Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching, was started in 1997 as a project of the California State University System.