Established in 1996, the DAISY Consortium comprises an association of organizations around the world committed to "develop[ing] global solutions for accessible publishing and reading" in support of the consortium's vision that "people have equal access to information and knowledge regardless of disability." DAISY, which stands for Digital Accessible Information System, developed a set of audio accessibility standards which have been integrated into the broader EPUB 3 digital publishing standards, as well as several open source tools for creating accessible digital books. Here, visitors will find numerous resources for those interested in creating, learning about, or using audio-accessible ebooks and other digital publications. Teachers and librarians may want to check out the educators section, which features a collection of relevant resources such as guidelines, best practices, studies, and tutorials. Readers interested in DAISY's open source projects will find links to them on their homepage. For those unfamiliar with accessibility in digital publishing, the DAISYpedia may be a helpful starting point and can be found at the bottom of the homepage. In 2018, the DAISY Consortium was a finalist for a Digital Book World Award for Innovation in Accessibility.