Librarians, catalogers, and literature researchers may enjoy The Early Novels Database (END) project, which "generates high-quality metadata about novels published between 1660 and 1850 in order to make early works of fiction more available to both traditional and computational modes of humanistic study." Records in the dataset (a total of 2,041 as of September 2017) are encoded in MARCXML and a little more than half of the data is drawn from eighteenth-century novels held in the Penn Libraries' Collection of British and American Fiction. Visitors can explore END's dataset by visiting its GitHub page, which is accessible from a side tab on the homepage. On the GitHub page, tutorials for downloading and exploring the dataset are provided, as well as explanations of the custom END MARC schema used to catalog all of the novels. END project leaders include Rachel Sagner Buurma, Associate Professor of English Literature at Swarthmore College; and Jon Shaw, Director of Logistics and Access Services at the University of Pennsylvania. Visitors to the END site can also explore papers and student projects.