In Unequal Scenes, American photographer Johnny Miller uses a drone to capture remarkable aerial images highlighting the dramatic and often startling disparities between rich and poor neighborhoods existing side by side. Miller began this project in 2016 in South Africa, inspired by his time there as an anthropology student. As of this writing, Unequal Scenes has expanded to include images from Mumbai, Nairobi, Mexico City, Tanzania, and the United States. In addition to Miller's photographs, which are organized by location and feature scenes such as one in Mumbai where luxurious high-rise apartment buildings are immediately adjacent to a sprawling, chaotic slum, Unequal Scenes also includes Miller's written explanations giving context to what the images show. Unequal Scenes has received numerous awards, such as first place in the Nature and Environment category at the 2017 Istanbul Photo Awards, and it has also been featured in photography exhibitions in Johannesburg, London, Sydney, and Santa Fe, among other cities.