Dialogues: An Interdisciplinary Journal for English Language Teaching and Research offers ESL educators and professionals a valuable "forum [...] to share their research, innovative ideas, and best classroom practices to better serve English learners and the profession as a whole." Launched in 2017 and currently in its second volume, this peer-reviewed, open-access journal publishes articles and other content from a range of ESL-related fields, such as linguistics, second-language writing, and cultural studies. Examples of recent articles include "'Only When Absolutely Appropriate': Attitudes Towards Codeswitching in a Public Middle School" by Mary McLachlan of North Carolina State University and "Digital Storytelling in the Multilingual Academic Classroom: Expanding the Possibilities" by Joel Bloch of The Ohio State University. Dialogues is published by North Carolina State University and edited by Dr. Jillian Haeseler, Assistant Professor and Director of English as a Second Language at NCSU.